So you're vegan huh? heh... enjoy your protein deficiency

>so you're vegan huh? heh... enjoy your protein deficiency....
Meanwhile in reality

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Look at the last column in particular.

Animal proteins are much higher protein/kcal

This is why it's useful when staying lean and muscular.

Yeah, all this really does is underscore how based chicken breast and canned tuna are.


Animal proteins are higher quality, onions shit needs higher protein amounts to compensate

where are you getting your data where beans and peanut butter have more protein per 100g than chicken?

Are the beans dehydrated and the chicken uncooked, which would skew the water content and weight drastically? Wtf, Chicken (and any meat for that matter) is just protein+varying amounts of fat, everything else here on the list is carbs+fat and minimal protein.

Cool dude why don't you eat a kilo of peanut butter for dinner then?

My fucking god, once I realised the powers of canned tuna I was unstoppable. Get some canned tuna mixed with a tbs of light mayo, whole grain bread and some baby spinach and black olives and you got balanced, protein dense, low calorie goodness.

Nah bro cmon op is right dude op is always right vegans are so cool and awesome bro I mean it

I'll stick with meat you vegan cuck.

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You're right I take it back.

>pure gluten

No dill relish, chopped celery, chopped water chestnuts, cranberries, dijon mustard, paprika...?

And soon you'll see the power of Mercury poisoning

The bigger risk is BPA. Selenium supposedly protects against mercury and chunk tuna is much healthier than whole albacore.
I still limit myself to 2 cans a week though.

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uh huh

Doesn't mention the balance of Amino acids. Are you getting the correct portion of all of the essential AAs?

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>largest number in last column is vegan
Imagine that. It's almost like it's easy to get enough protein mo matter what you eat.

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>protein isolate has highest percentage of calories from protein
You don't say

>disproved by a google search
nice pic retard

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vegans are literally retarded in literally every single thing they do or think

Attached: infographic-chicken-breast-.jpg (470x532, 36.31K)

Do you genuinely STILL not understand the difference between complete and incomplete protein? Do us all a favor and google that and read about it til you understand. Quit shitting up the board when you don't even understand basic concepts.
Fucking LOL. And that huge, high calorie pile of chickpeas still isn't even a complete protein.

you vegans are braindead
even scooby who apparently is a vegan himself dismantled your cringe muhh 100g of lettuce has more protein than 100g lean meat bullshit
have fun eating 5000-6000 calories per day just maintain your weight retards

user, what's the PDCAAS of beans and rice?

If it's so obvious, why are you morons responding to bait threads without sage in the options field?

Nice nitpick, retard.

Yes, because I plan on eating only chickpeas for my daily protein.

Protein combining is a concept that was invented by Adelle Davis who was selling her diet book Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit in 1954.
It's a myth that comes from a fad diet, and you would know this if you read the Wikipedia article on protein combining

>lettuce breaks CICO
>vegans are braindead

Meat eaters are retards

I wouldn't say that, they're practical. You can't expect the populous to stop eating meat while most meat alternatives are still 3-4x more expensive than real meat, and you also have to track your nutrients even as a vegetarian. Even as a vegan though, if I have kids I would actually prefer that they eat meat in their formative years unless lab grown meat becomes affordable and plentiful.