How many reps/sets i should do? I'm 1,69m 70kg.

I've been doing 4 sets of 6 reps with 18kg (15kg + 3kg belt), should i do more reps and lower the weight? I could do 4x8~10 with 10kg, but i don't know if it would be as effective.

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Anyone got a good routine/guide for doing more pullups? Other than just doing more like an actually structured thing with negatives and all that shit.

Been doing pull-ups and dips nearly exclusively while I cut and I’m obsessed with them. I’ve been making progress but I wanna be able to do a fuck load of them.

Why would you want to do more pull ups? Just add weight and do 5~10 reps.

There is no reason to do more than 12 body weight pull ups. Are you a woman?

that guy has shit form, you shouldn't be reaching your chin over the bar, thats cheating.

>shoulders shrugged

add weight until you find your 2-rep max

then add that to your body weight to find your max pull. 90% of this should be your 3-5 rep working weight for the 2 weeks. After that add weight again until you find your new higher 2-rep max and repeat

t. rock climber who used this progression to increase my weighted pullup from 40% bodyweight to 135%

>he counts the belt

yup, just another dud trying to egolift.

boys, if you haven't heard it today again, with every lift focus on good form, mind/muscle connection and full rom. ego lifting is how you get hurt and don't see results.

Fighter pull-up program. You can do the 3RM version with weights.

In 6’2” cutting 243lbs as of today. I can do 7 max now. In a workout I’ll do more and more each time, and as I lose weight and do more I’m definitely getting better at them. Doing over 60 pull-ups total right now. First few sets are 5 reps, then I can only do 3 reps each for the rest until the last few I can do 1-2. I guess with all this fat I’m technically training weighted pullups so I should see pullup gains when I’m done cutting

>135% bw pull up
post wings

My gym had a really big problem when I brought my AR in

I would suggest you guys just use plates

I'll try to take a pic tonight. I'm 145lbs and have been climbing ~20 hours a week for 5 years.

close grip, wide grip, sternum, negatives, assisted, archer, underarm

How the fuck do you even do this

i typically just do 5x5

I also do chinups instead because my biceps are weaker compared to the rest of my upper body

my best is 136lbs added (i weigh 195lbs) for one rep, neutral grip.Have gotten 95lbs added for 3 reps too. most pullups in a row ever was 23. ama

>most pullups in a row ever was 23. ama

can you do a one armed pullup, and if so, what sort of criteria should you meet? is it mostly hitting a certain number of pullups + low bf%?

More than 3 reps is cardio.

My best with the most weight is 5 reps with 120lb @210 my best reps is 90lb for 10

Use a neutral grip. Do some heavy bent over rows before you do body weight pullups.

Nope, cant do a one armed pullup. I'm 6'1, 195lbs, I would guess I'd have to lose a bunch of weight to make that more feasible.

I have messed around with one arm pullup stuff, trying negatives, or band assisted reps. I had a better experience messing around with that stuff when my weighted pullup was my focus. I actually did 23 pullups during a different period of training where I was fucking around with band resisted pullups. Doesn't make a lot of sense, you would expect band resisted pullups (accommodating resistance) to make my pullups explosive and fast, but not really help my reps THAT much. One day I just tested my max and hit 23. If I had to really guess, the band resisted pullups helped me do the entire motion faster, which made me have to spend less time on the bar overall. Doing 20+ pullups slowly would leave me on the bar for 45-60 seconds. Being able to rep them out fast probably let me sneak in a hefty amount of reps in 30-40 seconds.

I've done 20 with a dead hang pause between each rep. You probably didn't do that, though.

Unless you do the dead hang between each rep, you might as well be doing CrossFit


>6ft - 155lbs/70kg
>6 sets of pull-ups/chin-ups with two 45 plates

No, it's not okay and they probably weren't legit strict reps and I'm better than you at pullups

yeah they probably couldve been better, maybe you are

Same boat. Around 25bw @ 180lb, and 90lbx5.

Can't even do the negative on a 1 arm pullup. For some reason I'm only strong with both arms working together.

Can you one arm row 180lbs? If the answer is no, then you're not going to be able to do a 1 armed pullup.

>only strong with 2 arms

You sound like a fucking retard.

There is nothing more gay about this picture than not having control of your weapon. I don't care if it's unloaded, this type of shit is top faggotry.

no need for negativity fren

What do I do about a wrist pain that goes down my arm and hurts during a pull-up?

I am reluctantly going to stop training and I have been working extensors in a bucket of sand. Could be placebo but I feel like the arm is more comfortable after doing that.

Stop doing all supinated pulling and curling for a while

I do neutral grip because I've got one of those bars that's like wide, narrow and neutral. It's basically the only thing I have been doing lately.