If you're lifting for women maybe you're doing wrong

"What girls want & what guys want to be"


Attached: IDEALBODY.png (1056x970, 1.13M)

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my ideal body would crush women...

this is why i fuck men

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i literally couldn't care less what women want.
what matters if i like what i see in the mirror.

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While I agree lifting for women is gay you do have to acknowledge the flaws in this type of study:
If you just want vapid thots from EDM festivals who aren’t gf material and don’t care about you zyzz’s body is great. The sample sizes obviously included different types of women
>implying that women know what they want
Self explanatory
>trusting that women will answer honestly
Self explanatory

>listening to what girls say

i don't lift for all women

Are your standards that cooked that you're lifting for the average roastie?
Fuck that. Become a sick cunt and find a 1% woman who has fuckin taste

But to be honest Brad Pitt is peak, although I'd say the pic should have been from Troy.

Women don't know what they want. If they see a dude walking down the beach, they're going to be much more impressed by the physique of the bodybuilder type guy than the 'he kind of looks like he might play sports' guy. They're just trying to fake being modest

>Believing what women say

Does it really matter what "72.5% of women" like? You're not trying to appeal to as many women as possible. You're trying to appeal to women that you like.

This. Literally don't care at all.

You gotta be the 1% to get the 1%. The rest will fall to the side. The woman you want should be the one that realizes you give a damn about yourself and that you're willing to put in effort to maintain something. Ultimately I'd rather die alone and content that I pushed my body the hardest it could go for myself and not someone else. At the end, I won't give a fuck about my wife, friends, or anyone on /fit's opinions. Just my own.

>women pick Brad Pitt knowing it's Brad Pitt

>believing women

It's a numbers game, user. Of the women attracted to your body type, you want her to be attractive, smart, nice, independent, caring, and loyal. There's more of those women in the 99% than the 1%.

Women are actually right on these questions because:
1.females have a better sense for aesthetics
2.they dont have testosterone induced complexes and insecurities to think that abominations like Rich Piana, Ronnie Coleman etc. look any other way than disgusting.

Modern bodybuilders look like some failed lab experiments and have no aestetics and look like freaks.
Only good looking bodies are from people that do actual sports (be it gymnastics, strongman or anything other) and are not using steroids.
I have literaly asked this 20+ girls, they see 9/10 times when someone is taking steroids and find it disgusting.

besides, not all women will find you attractive.

Woman are so retarded they look at all these pics and go "omg thats brad pitts body!!1 Yess!" Braindwashed by hollywood



>caring what women say they want
ngmi on so many levels

>caring about what women think

seething cope

based chads

This changes when it is a test of looking at pictures and when it is in person. Girls dont want a guy who is obsessed with the gym and who is vain. Because it makes them self conscious and feel bad about themselves. So they see the picture and assume that the guy must be vain and a obsessed with the gym. Where if they meet that same guy in real life but he isnt like that then they are waaayyyy into it. Girls cant just look at a pic and think hot or not, they analyze it.


The women’s version is so bullshit. I didn’t read it all but why don’t that have one with pictures like the guy version. Least we’re honest

why does he pull up his shorts ike a fag?

This, If you are aiming for a fit girl with legs that could crush your skull, surely she wont be attracted to a man that looks like a skeleton.

>What’s the most attractive female body type?
>The short answer is that there isn’t a most attractive body type. Guys like all female body types equally.
So this is what women are taught to believe.

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First of all asking women what they want is a big nono. Most just won't give you the downright truth to avoid looking shallow or whatnot.

second even in those pics the #1 are all decent looking healthy natty physiques that easily put you in the top 10% of the male population for the general population in 2020.

anyway I agree though, lifting for women is dumb. Exercise in general is just so good in general you shouldn't need women to be the motivation. it is a nice perk though.

the posts in seething cope category meant exactly the same thing in different words
