/sig/ Self Improvement General: What happened to these edition

/sig/ Self Improvement General

Essential Links:
arcitea.com/ - General self improvement wiki
liamrosen.com/fitness.html/ - Yas Forums sticky

Free learning resources:
duolingo.com/ - Learn a language
codeacademy.com/ - Learn to code
coursera.org/ - Courses on thousands of different topics
discord.gg/ARCPsz - /sig/ official discord

Basic recommendations:
• Create more order in your life. Live by a routine and set goals.
• Exercise at least 3 days per week. Lifting/sports/cardio are all great.
• Use a calendar and stick to it as closely as possible.
• Learn to focus + meditate
• Eliminate any unproductive or time wasting habits (watching youtube, browsing Yas Forums, etc)
• Simplify your life. Work, hobby, socialize, eat, excercise, and sleep should be 90% of your day.
• Get a hobby that isn't excercise or work. If your hobby is video games, expand on that. Create content (guides, videos, etc.) for your favourite game or contribute your skills to an indie game project.
• Read non-fiction, watch talks/documentaries.

The best way to become a more interesting, successful and overall better person is to do more things. Try out hobbies, learn about politics, become passionate about different things, strive to learn and do more. Don't look for arguments and remain open minded. See pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:


bump self improvement belongs here

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fuck jannies
bumping because this is related to the fitness and well being of life and anyone who disagrees is 'tistic

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ive been trying to maintain my brains through this stay at home shenanegans
working out 6 days a week, feels good man
just had sum goulash, tastes good man
was pretty anxious earlier today but it has since settled
we're gonna make it brethren

Based /sig/ thread. Fuck jannies

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why is the only other /sig/ general incorporated into the natsoc general on Yas Forums. is there a thread I can go to for self improvement without all the nazi larping faggotry

this will get deleted but

i think here works when it doesnt get dragged out back and shot
what confuses me is that ive been on /sig/ threads before that havent had and natsoc or pollack shit on them but they still got deleted

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silly, innit

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The nazis are the only ones that want you to become the beat version of yourself.
Really makes you think.

im not a nazi but i want my brothers to become their ideal selves
where does that leave me?

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>Must kill niggers

>must empower brothers

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who else here noticing large diet changes since quarantine? i havent eaten almost any sugar at all in like a month, then a couple days ago i had a brownie and i got a massive fucking headache


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Long time lurker and shitposter here

This is the ONLY thing I come back here for. Just every now and then I will find an inkling or helpful info or something motivating in one of these threads. I came here, though no one asked, to say fuck all of the bullshit just love yourself and enjoy life, live the best life you can, period. Whatever that means for you. Anyway god bless y’all niggas bruh stay up

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i bless thee king

Wouldn't recommend codeacademy for learning how to code. It's legitimately one of the worst possible sources and a horrible introduction into programming in general.

Would recommend depending on your learning style
1. Free online courses from top Universities like Havard or MIT
2. Free bootcamps like App Academy (if you want to do web development and you're willing to drop 8+ hours a day, 7 days a week)
3. Choose something to do, then do it. (Only do this if u have a big dick energy, aren't afraid of discomfort, and can stay motivated without any guidance). Some simple shit you can do is learn C and remake basic things like printf (some flags aren't so basic and neither is optimizing but you get da point), ls, etc or just move straight into bigger projects.
4. Learn syntax then solve problems on leetcode or some shit

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Started working out at home last month using 10lb and 15lb dumbbells as well as core sliders. Started running as well but the weather by me has been bad for the past 2 weeks. Working out feels good, triceps are looking larger already. We're going to make it kings

ive been told by a college friend that c++ is ass and to never learn it, is it as bad as it seems user? im interested in unironically learning to code but im irrevocably horrible at math, which is something im down to get over

Codecademy is okay for learning basic syntax, won't teach concepts though. Stanford basic lectures are shit, waste of time desu.
C++ is fine, the best language for you right now is the one that is easiest to use to build a real project that you can maintain interest in long enough to finish it. project that holds your interest > any other form of learning.

i like that outlook
would you happen to know what coding language is needed to, say, somewhat easily make a website? or are those things completely unrelated?

The basic recommendations are super simple and helpful, the simplifying my life is something I’m going to try. I want my entire day to be composed of personally meaningful spent time.

>somewhat easily make a website?
javascript and html/css

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Do python on Codeacademy to learn how to indent and use commas, then go to a website titled 'Automate the Boring Stuff' to learn some simple and practical applications of python.

Depends on the complexity. On one end of the extreme you have a static webpage, something like this: atlassian.com/time-wasting-at-work-infographic

Nothing moves, so all you need is basic HTML knowledge, and the patience to lay out assets (text, images, video) wherever you want it. Static websites serve raw content, so, you don't even need an application server, there's not really any programming involved unless you do some client side javascript stuff.

On the other extreme, if you want to build something that serves dynamic content, like most websites, you are going to need a backend language, and possibly a database. The web more or less runs on node.js and php at this point, but there are other options out there as well for niche use cases, or supporting existing enterprise applications.

The path of least resistance on the web these days is to have pretty much everything be javascript, either directly or indirectly. Like the language or not, it's the only language that's usable on the front end, back end, it has the most support in the form of libraries and frameworks, the most guides, the most open jobs in the market, everything.

That said your best best starting out may be to find a tutorial to cannibalize for setting up a single page application (SPA) with one of the popular JS frameworks, react, angular, or vue.

Wait did they delete the other one already

You don't need math unless you're making something that involves math. In college you usually get a choice of c++ or java, sometimes python

I'm currently starting OMAD but haven't dialed in my meals yet. I've been attempting to just do prolonged fasts but settled with OMAD since it seems simpler. The only thing is my eating window is at 1 AM, due to my fucked schedule, though I'm going to break that tonight and slowly move it back to a more manageable time.

My big question is how beneficial is snake oil for long term OMAD? Seems like the potassium is the big ingredient in it. I usually salt my foods pretty well but with the OMAD I'm starting to feel some slight salt cravings. Mentally I feel okay, I can get over the hunger pangs at the moment.

Another question, has anyone taken piracetam while fasting? Did the first time today but didn't feel much different compared to the buzz at the 12-15 hour mark just fasting. Didn't take a choline supp but might try tomorrow.

based quads, thank you king