pictures, quotes, greentexts, videos, anything that makes you wanna get the fuck up
vid related always does it for me
Motivation Thread
Anyone have some good motivational posters that aren't homoerotic or retarded/tropisms?
does this collage of the president of mongolia count
He's shorter than Putin.
>mfw Marcus Aurelius was one step from NEETDOM and never caved in
Fucking gay. Conan, what is best it life?
Thats young henry cavill
look at him now
if any fatties are here...
that khan quote is really fucking based nglfam
Roman man literally too angry to die
>Be Centurio Marcus Cassius Scaeva
>Train with professional gladiators in the arena occasionally
>Be in Caesar Legion during the Civil War
>Fight in Dyrrachium
>Get shot in the eye, making you one eyed
>Have you shield entirely covered in arrows like a Porcupine
>Remove the arrow with your eye in it, and crush your eyeball to the ground and shout a battlecry
>Get trough the wall, grab the legion standarts banners and shout "KNEEL BEFORE CAESAR"
>Continue the fight and keep a broken wall alone
>Slaughter the Pompeian soldiers
>Crush one ennemy head with a brick
>Set fire to an ennemy beard
>Get shot in the knee
>Get shot in the throat
>Continue the bloodlust
>Survive the Battle
>kid barely before puberty
>somehow a good comparison
Again though, he wasn't even ugly before, he was just a chubby kid.
same quote but less gay pic
there is no representation gengis
we dont know how exactly he looked
there even some sources that he was red haired and green eyed due to the mongols scythian dna
>deads build your upper back and lats
i was talking about the gay ass landscape
fuck it, imma say it, mongols are cool
For Rome
if you are Med thats based
if you are a germshit/nordshit subhumab kys
Physical strength isn't all I value, but strength is the core of my ethos. I have only desired to grow ever stronger since I was a boy. I started sports in 6th grade. I ran track, wrestled and played running back until I graduated. After I graduated I moved to heavy sets, wieghted cardio and HIIT. I took up boxing and quickly excelled at it. I began studying philosophy while working 2 week cycles on an oil rig. Next was religious texts and myths. Then I moved to the classics, Moby Dick, War and Peace, Ulysses, etc. Jiujitsu and Historical European martial arts replaced boxing. Daily meditation, consistent intermittent fasting and clean eating became my habits. Finally, a year long stay in Japan studying kendo under Master Shozo Kato.
I'm bored Yas Forums, I've got a large sum of money from working on oil rigs for 8 years. What should I do? I need a challenge, danger, something to test my abilities. I want to fight with real weapons, I'm want to know what it is to fight for your life.
Good pasta
one of the GOAT's
Beyond based
that's cute
So what?