Gonna do keto. What am I in for?

Gonna do keto. What am I in for?

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Weight flying off you and stank ass breath

a waste of time
you know what all these fad diets have in common? eating in a caloric fucking defecit
do keto if you want, whatever. the important thing is that you eat less that your tdee.

keto is legit user! don't let the naysayers get to you. say, why don't you give fasting a shot? once you go into ketosis, just try not eating for 24 hours and see how it feels.

Ketofags are the flatearthers of the fitness industry

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omad keto? I can try it on rest days
on training days I will just do 2 meals before and after workout so IF
well yea of course its going to be in a caloric deficit
keto apparently claims if you eat less than 20g carbs along with that will ensure you lose the most amount of fat

that would work! i think that doing keto is a fantastic opportunity to experiment with fasting, and lose some extra weight. you're already in a fat burning mode anyway, so the fat will burn like crazy, especially if you do cardio fasted

I'm doing it and have lost 45 pounds since January

It works but it's not that fun to eat oily avocado bullshit all the time.

Already used to eating 7 eggs a day, meat and feta cheese

fuck off idiot

Vinegary shits

What CICOtards don't understand is that the point of keto is to suppress appetite SO THAT YOU EAT FEWER CALORIES

Why is that so hard for these people, who supposedly understand thermodynamics well though probably have never heard of the grand canonical ensemble, to understand?

based. just eat smaller meals dammit. okay, skew your macros in the direction of protein. but that's it

Isn't that the point of fasting and just eating healthy food?
The point of keto is to go in ketosis

ketosis suppresses appetite

I do understand that thats exactly waht keto does
i just think its a lame crutch

Everyone fights different battles in life, calling something a lame crutch is just needlessly judgemental for no particular reason

Do 20/4 or OMAD too, weight loss is piss easy, lost 40lbs in 3 months

what do I need to know about electrolytes?
eat lots of salt for sodium
half an avocado a day for potassium
what about magnesium? supplement?

So there's two CICO paths:
1. Non-keto where you're hungry all the time and having to work out shit to eat every day that doesn't fuck up your planned deficit.
2. Keto where you're not hungry and know exactly what you're going to eat every day and it's cheap and easy.

And you keto bashers stop by in every thread and pretend people are retards for taking path two. If both do exactly the same thing but one is easier then you are retarded to take the harder path.

No gains, immediate loss of weight due to water+glycogen depletion, and possibly further weight loss depending on your calorie intake.


Where can I find that hat for my dog?

So, they are both right?

yeah because protein causes an insulin response.
They should only be eating protein once a day.

Do you have to get every metric exactly right to go into ketosis? Or just eat under 20 grams of carbs?

Your hair falling out. Think I'm joking? The keto cult tell newfags this is a normal symptom of keto, and losing weight in general.

>state of ketosis is desirable rather than a nutritional problem
Enjoy gaining all that weight back fatty.

People hate ketofags because of some of the retarded things the community has said that go against some basic principles of a diet.

Things like

>You can eat in a huge surplus and still lose weight.
>carbs are the root of all evil.
>you only have to track your macros.

Just eat under 20 grams of carbs. You still have to track calories if you want to lose weight though.

Can you prove this