/run/ - Running General

You are running your way through quarantine to cope with /nogym/, right Yas Forums?

No, i enjoy having healthy knees.

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Post body

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y do u post a bitch?

Big Balkan Cock, I am familiar.

I bought a jump rope because I don't want to run outside

>Haven't run in a week because of shin splints
Help me bros

feets mmmmmmm snifffff
No I'm swinging the kettlebell greasing the groove. I only had the motivation to run when I had a team to do it with with coaches issuing orders.

I'm bulking so no

He meant Big British Cock

Imagine the smell

Is Jack Daniels running formula legit?

Here’s what I’m doing this week

Monday: 8x 200m repititions
Tuesday: 8K easy
Wednesday: 8K easy
Thursday: 5k @ threshold
Friday: 8K easy
Saturday: 15k long run (easy pace)
Sunday: he says to do another easy 8K but I’m probs gonna take it off

Problem is the training times at 44VDOT feel too slow, especially for 200ms. Should I just stick to the program?

Also when to test VDOT? Use 5K threshold run values?

fuck ye my nigga
been running erry day since quarantine
pickin up qt runner thotties
ooomfff mang running and calsthenics is the shit

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Running isn't bad for your knees and running will hardly affect your bulk.

>running will hardly affect your bulk
im fine with believing one lie, but not two

Just eat more

I know an Indian girl (pajeet/Bangladesh) who looks exactly like Pocahontas except she’s unfit. Like she’s actually really cute for a pajeeta and she’s not chubby or fat, but she definitely doesn’t workout either. Has really long legs. Anyway I plan to get balls deep and implement race play I just don’t know how. I’m trying to see the world one pussy at a time I’ve been with blacks, Latinas, and a white girl. Pajeeta is next and then hopefully gook after. Then I just need Native American to be mostly done.

So what could I say to an Indian girl while fucking her? Start going “OOOOOHHHHHMMMMMMMM” when I nut?

>implying its that easy for a skelly

tell her she smell like / her pussy tastes like curry

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Tell her you can get her a green card

I prefer biking over running for cardio, it's easier to keep track of improvements with the on board computer, plus less risk of injury.

It honestly ain’t that bad. I’ve had knee surgery, but running lessened the pain.

Don’t you’ll get honor killed especially the f she’s muslim

>He says with his impotence

is this time ok? Didn't get too exhausted but it was definitely and effort

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Where is the JD shillposter

I ran 3 miles and tried to squat 2 days later and could barely do my normal working weight.

My legs are basically trashed, I guess I need a week to recover from a run.

I have some 7 year old nikes I've been running in since losing my other shoes in a move. The nikes used to be my yardwork shoes so they're pretty ratty. Very happy to have a new pair coming, can't wait to have shoes without holes for running

I'd say so but I dont know much! I'm curious how you gained 75m in elevation but highest was 38m or am I missing something

I think it because there were segments going up and down, but I dont really pay attention to that

Oh so it's like you went up 75m overall despite going down some got you thought you lived under sea level

Dedicated cyclist here.

I tried running today as my bike is out of commission. First time I have run in about 6 years.

I did about 5k. I was enjoying it very much, but my hips are EXTREMELY sore now to the point that I cant walk downstairs. Did I fuck up? How long should I wait before running again?

>So what could I say to an Indian girl while fucking her? Start going “OOOOOHHHHHMMMMMMMM” when I nut?

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yeeee boy ran 5.2 mi of trail today. Got rained on then it let up by the end of the run. Kept out the normies max comfy.