Why do bearded chinlets always freak out when you point out that beards are for soys and no-jaws...

why do bearded chinlets always freak out when you point out that beards are for soys and no-jaws? just admit you're hiding your weak face

Attached: Objectively Everyone On ASP But Me.jpg (600x753, 159.18K)

I have no problem with it as long as they fucking groom and style it properly unlike the goober in pic related.

>havent shaved since quarantine
>michael cera has a better moustache than me

True I use mine to hide my fat face but I'm not onions or part of le epic beard culture so whatever.

>caring about what others do with their face
>makes personal decisions based on whether memes say they're cool or not
>hides his insecurities behind insulting his own strawmen
>asks 4channel for confirmation in this
Is there anybody more omega than op?

Because they have no skull physically and mentally.

Why yes, I do keep a 6mm beard at all times.

Attached: gigachad[1].jpg (1068x601, 56.31K)

I'm just here to say that Becky is cute.

Because they have bought into the falsehood that beards are manly and macho because vikings and lumberjacks have beards. They can't accept that if youre a beta without a beard, you'll be a beta with a beard. If you're alpha without a beard, you'll be an alpha with a beard

bears arent all bad, its just the trash ones people have in their faces thinking it makes them look like some viking or something
like dude in OP probably thinks it makes him look like some sick woodchopper or something


Honestly it looks like if he lost weight he wouldn’t even need a beard, his jaw would be fine.

I just leave stubble with a full mustache so that people know that I can grow facial hair and that I am not hiding my chin/jaw line.

Beards are literally the number one sexual distinction in humans when clothed. That's just basic biology

>why do bearded chinlets always freak out when you point out that beards are for soys and no-jaws? just admit you're hiding your weak face

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>why do bearded chinlets always freak out when you point out that beards are for soys and no-jaws? just admit you're hiding your weak face

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Is that... eggman?

>*boop* *boop*
Uh... hello?
>Hello, my name is Louise and I’ll be your customer service advisor today. How can I help?
Uh hi, sorry to trouble you..,
>it’s no trouble at all sir, please may I take your name?
My name is user
>and how may I help you today user?
I’m hoping that you can put me through to the based department? I listened to all the options on your automated thing but I couldn’t hear that option.
>no problem user, patching you through now
Thank you
>thank you for calling, please hold
>*boop* *boop*
Uh hello is that the based department?
>yes this is the based department sir
You’ve got to check this out...

Don't worry, kid. Some day you can grow a beard too.

Im guessing you cant grow facial hair?

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Every douchebag out there has a beard these days. Including you guys apparently. How do I just know you wear lumberjack flannel shirts and have tattoos and put other mens weiners where you poop? Typical. Smh. Slack jawed bobble headed brainwashed sheep fucker fucking faggy ass gayboys. I'm sure you'll take all those names as a compliment but trust me, its not.

These guys fuck
>eachother lol

I donno. All I know is that I wanna feel her abs.

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Why are you checking out other men so much. Oh wait, this is Yas Forums, we all know why you do it.

haha i think this guy is calling you a faggot


Because I'm aware of my surroundings. It's part of being a trained killer, but a bearded sickles wonder such as yourself wouldn't know about such things. You're too busy staring at the ground because you're afraid you might accidentally look someone in the eyes, huh? Pour guy.

Tell me, what does 's weiner taste like? I know you know.

Hes literally calling you a faggot ffs l2read. This is what happens when you let women on the board. Dont even understand the english language. Also were in a thread about beards....this has nothing to do with girls so see yourself out before I escort you out.

OP it's literally the only thing they have going for themselves. It's their pride and joy. Dont take that from them. Just dont. What will they have left? Aside from all the gay sex, nothing. That's what. Nothing at all.

Either one of my dumbass roommates or my fiancee lost the fucking charger to my clippers and i just had to buy some piece of shit norelco walmart backwater garbage tier ones just to get my fucking face feeling normal again.i hate everyone i live with right now

>beards are for soys and no-jaws?
Tell that to a bikie and see how long you remain standing.

You deserve atleast one (you) for this

A bikie? First off no one knows what the hell a bikie is. Secondly I'm assuming it's a term from the gay porn industry in which case we would rather not.

Think that's kangaroo speak for "faggot on a motorcycle"

How do you decide if you look better with a beard or not? Girls like it tho but personally I think I look better clean shaven. I also think I look better with longer hair rather than short. Is it because I am straight and therefore I like the feminine features more on myself or am I just being a faggot?

based bex chad

>Think that's kangaroo speak for "faggot on a motorcycle"
Close but they are probably one of the most homophobic minorities.
Other user is pretty much right, someone who is affiliated with a motorcycle gang