Have tried basically everything else and psychiatrist is now convinced I have really bad ADHD that's been untreated my...

>have tried basically everything else and psychiatrist is now convinced I have really bad ADHD that's been untreated my whole life
>Insurance won't let me have Strattera or Vyvanse

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>Insurance won't let me have Strattera or Vyvanse
Land of the free

just buy amphetamine on the internet dawg

>Just buy a controlled substance and have your entire life destroyed and marked by a felony if Big Daddy Government finds out

bro u can literally get adderall off any high schooler for like $5

>too pussy to buy drugs

I've never started a conversation with someone in my entire life, unless you consider buying something or making a doctor's appointment. Plus, I need shit on a daily basis. I can't even read a couple sentences without trailing off, can't remember anything, can't stay awake while driving. I need treatment to function every day.

Bro you wanna be on speed everyday for the rest of your life? There must be another way

>there must be another way
if you want to live a productive life with ADHD, there isn't.

okay that doesnt really sound like adhd, if you genuinely cant read a few sentences without trailing off you need to detox from the internet and spend a week or two in solitude.

i think you just need discipline dawg

I've been trying every little possible thing besides ADHD meds for 10 years now because of these problems. I've made a huge amount of dietary/sleep/lifestyle changes, tried tons of supplements and meds. Tried all kinds of exercise. Nothing helps. My case really is that fucking bad.

I've tried before and I feel my sanity starting to slip if I don't have some constant stimulation. It's like my brain is a chalkboard with nails scratching against it if I'm not getting a dopamine hit.

i know it sucks but i think thats the root of your problem man. you gotta let your mind run without stimulation for a bit and itll help you focus in the long run.
detox from your dopamine addiction for a week and youll feel better, i promise.

I've done it a few times in the past with the most being something like 15 or 16 days. A little over 2 weeks. It changed nothing.

just get ahold of a stimulant either from the doctor or illegal sources, dude.

do you consume caffeine? if you do, maybe lay that off a bit. or go sprinting in the morning and tire yourself out a bit.

The fucking psychiatrist has already tried prescribing Vyvanse which is a stimulant, but insurance won't let me have it or Strattera which isn't even a stimulant but is for ADHD.
I'm a few weeks into another attempt at only drinking green tea and not consuming coffee. The longest attempt at that was a few months and it changed nothing.

just change insurances or something then, i dont know how to fix this burgerproblem. stop fucking around with broscience Yas Forums advice like nofap and other bullshit, it won't fix your problem if you got ADHD.

Anyone else find it strange how ADHD used to not exist and now everyone thinks they have it?

The industrial revolution and its consequences....

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just as strange as schizophrenia suddenly existing, and demonic possession ceasing to exist.

>studying is boring, I have ADHD
>I’m way too creative to work in an office
>I need medicine to keep me focused
>life is tough ;_;
Any other zoomer copes?

As someone with severe ADHD, I say listen to this guy I'm on Concerta which really helps. You need proper treatment

Add needing to smoke weed to have an appetite

I think meditating reduces adhd dramatically

Diet? Do you actually lift/work out? Also post body
Not gonna judge, I was on Ritalin myself, but there's ways to mitigate the symptoms

I have it and theres a TON of zoomers who fake it out of laziness/wanting a sense of identity. I genuinely can never bring myself to focus no matter how hard i try. I'm really disciplined in every other aspect of life but I can't ever focus.

Stop eating carbs for fucks sake.

all this helps, but not much if you really have the diagnosis. i get that americans are skeptical of mental illnesses and medication given how over-diagnosed and over-medicated everything is over there, but mental illnesses are actually real.

What’s the downsides if I use adderall just to study? Not cram but to do a few good and long study sessions? I have minor ADD and it’s not really a problem but I can’t focus for shit when I try to study. I’ve used adderall in the past to cram and it went well, got A’s. 90% sure I can get a script for that or vyvanse. I’d fill it maybe 1-2 times and just use it to study enough for my big exams coming up.

So what downsides if any other than being a piece of shit degenerate using drugs to get ahead

What are ADHD symptomes?

Yes and mental illnesses are largely affected by diet and other substances that you take into your body.

If you're just getting a degree to get one and then work in an office building like most people do then there are no downsides. If you're getting a degree that actually requires some knowledge and expect to work in that field then you'll probably need to use it for the rest of your life to maintain.

i have severe ADHD and I was diagnosed and mediated at 8. Now I’m a grown man dependent on amphetamines.