What the fuck is this /fa/ retarded shit

what the fuck is this /fa/ retarded shit

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>why do people have different goals then me

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you know you can crosspost yeah?
pretty sure most of the posters in there are actual legitimate femoids anyway. no kidding they don't want to go to the bloatmaxx board for advice

Well, at least they are not trying to be fatties.

go and bring something back

fellas is this achievable natty?

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BMI over 17 is fatty cope.

this fella has potential

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being an anorexic fem boy isnt a valid goal faggot

he does, hopefully he will eat food and lift weights

>you know you can crosspost yeah?
i was hoping that shit would get deleted or something and crossposting would be of no use then

>skelly mode
that's what you try to get out of not what you try to be, you silly user

what about this one
is he gonna make it brehs

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The end is nigh

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>you will never make it
>you will never be happy with how you look
>you will never impress anyone with your abs that literally no one can see under your shitty hoodies.

HOWEVER, you will waste thousands of hours of your life desperately trying to make yourself muscular enough to impress some random bitch, because you're consumed by your sex drive and know you have nothing else to offer.

Anyone who has ever checked a current body thread knows that 90% of people here are builtfat at best, and will stay that way. Kill yourselves.

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>you will waste thousands of hours of your life desperately trying to make yourself muscular enough to impress some random bitch

>lifting for females
lmao i only fuck men now
no homo

>the average woman is uninterested in overly muscular men
>nobody gives a shit about how strong you are, or how good your physique is if your face is shit
>nobody gives a shit about anything else if you're charismatic, have good facial aesthetics, and don't have an outright disgusting body
Yas Forums is and always will be a board of cope for 3/10 orcs trying to get big to compensate for their horrible facial aesthetics, disgusting grooming habits, horrible fashion sense, or for being manlets. YOU. WILL. NEVER. MAKE. IT.

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fellas. is he gonna make it?

i'm not convinced that's a male

also sage this shit thread
kys gainz goblins

>mfw i realise this post is not only 100% correct, but perfectly describes everyone who posts on this board

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why can't Yas Forums and /thinspo/ come to an understanding? We don't have to fight. We can be united by our mutual self hatred and hatred of fat people. It doesn't have to be this way.

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Would've been cool if not for the fact that /fa/ is just a bunch of abominations in women's clothing.


I somehow got transported to /fa/ that day, it was either a link or I accidentally hit the banner.
Holy shit that board is garbage.

You are so pathetic and pathetically wrong that attempting to debate you is obviously futile.
Never improve, faggot. Sorry about your life.

mental illness circlejerk general
/fa/ is a shit board anyway

/fa/ has soeme of the worst fashion I've ever seen

Being anorexic is the same as being a health at every size retard

Fags on a anonymous imageboard care how about how much I lift and how tall I am
Now excuse I have to workout and chug my whey

omg u gueys wats ur favorite panic! at the disco song? I'm soooo gald falloutboy got back together again their sound REALLY matured right? haha

>projecting this hard

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