Is it bad for gains to get drunk everyday?
Is it bad for gains to get drunk everyday?
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IIRC alcohol inhibits protein synthesis and is bad for your test production
Yes you retard. Stop trolling.
Fucking duh, alcohol is absolutely horrible for you.
I still drink a beer a day though.
No, alcohol can increase your gains.
You need to be consuming at least 2 bottles of wine a day to see the results.
All the Chads of old like cowboys drank much more than today.
Call it broscience but there is a thing like attitude test. If you engage life like a Chad your test will rise and you'll get more strong and swole.
Yeah, I usually drink a beer when I am working around 1500 or so. Mostly because it is hot in the warehouse and a cold beer is great. I think it doesn't hurt my gainz too much because I sweat it out.
>attitude test
That's just you caring less because you're having fun instead of autistically focusing on every minor imperfection.
If you're concerned, just drink vodka. Don't drink those hipster craft beers with 30g of sugar and 400 calories.
Yes but if you need to drink, a glass of red wine won’t do you much harm.
I think sun has more to do with the high test of our ancestors. Most people are working inside and are not getting adequate sun so they aren't producing much testosterone. A glass of whiskey and a beer probably make a huge difference if you aren't synthesizing enough vitamin D.
May be but the two are related though aren't they?
If you go out and about more you also will get more sun. Also shit like comradery etc.
Iirc they measured test before and after a sports game (in fans) and being on the winning team raised test while losing lowered it. Which would prove attitude test.
If someone knows the study I'm talking about please link.
I could see that for sure. I do think the test boost from sun, working out, and attitude could totally be part of making a man.
Found it. Surprised this isn't more common knowledge.
alcohol is for fags. maybe some red wine or white claws every now and again
think about it: you are poisoning yourself with it. do you not find that weird? treat yourself as a king
I cant enjoy anything without alcohol
>maybe some red wine or white claws every now and again
>think about it
Low test attitude.
I've been dry since august and I've gained like 4-5lbs of muscle since then.
So yeah, alcohol completely fucks your gains.
I'm pretty sure it fucks with your test and estrogen too because I tracked my calories and I was still getting fat.
Yeah, but it‘s possible to get away with it once in a while.
lmao never gonna make it
No wonder Minnesotans are low test
If you care about looks yeah.
would getting crossfaded as fuck every other weekend be bad for gains? genuinely wanna know
in the marines everyone is a borderline alcoholic if that helps.
I dunno, people say that but during my alcoholic period i was getting wasted everyday and still getting stonger. No doubt it slowed it down though. Everything else in my diet was in check.
Marines are the gayest race on the planet
I've been drinking steadily since about 15 and have only gotten more muscular and aesthetic with the years. Drinking straight liquor ive noticed less weight issue than beers
What about getting high?
Alcohol is calories so it actually should help you on a bulk. So it’s great for you to get drunk every night.