
Varbie edition

/Fraud/ is a thread dedicated to the safe use of AAS, PEDS, Peptides, etc. before asking your stupid beginner questions, please read ALL of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki
To acquaint yourself with general knowledge. Then leave ASAP cause Reddit’s gay lol

oral only cycles are fucking STUPID. You need a test base so that the effects are amplified and the hepatoxicity is worth it


If you’re going to ask for cycle advice, please include
>time spent training
>BF %
>penis length and girth

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Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that 500mg a week of test e is way too much gear to run for your first few cycles


Why do you all think people like MPMD and Greg Douccette are promoting less is more with aas and other peds?

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Define "too much".

who this

How to I get a varbie gf

Any of you guys get extremely hungry from dbol? I can literally eat a 1000kcal meal and be hungry again after 1 hours. By hungry I mean I feel like a somalian kid waiting for the UN rice to arrive.

Ashton Housley

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be vegan, do crossfit, enjoy being pegged and having your nipples sucked

Just got my pre cycle bloods - test, estro and free test were all acceptable but prolactin is super high (720)
Should I hold off until this lowers?

Im 29 and reached my genetic limit 6 years ago. Friend of mine (fraud) is encouraging me to start steroids. I tell him I dont want to compromise my bodies natural ability to prodice testosterone or be angry all the time, he claims there are ways around those sode effects.

My friend is full of shitblike every fraud isnt he?

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Want to do tren E at like 400-600mg/wk. Will probably run around 250mg/wk test E also. What do I need to know for my first tren cycle

>pre cycle blood
>prolactin super high
So you're not on juice but your prolactin is high? Uhhh

>My friend is full of shitblike every fraud isnt he?
No. This whole time you've been wasting your time.

The comment from the online Dr was stress, which tbf has been very high lately, but can’t get a scan with corona.
Will probably hold off and re do bloods in a month and go from there

You could always just juice anyway and use cabaser to knock down your prolactin.

How often do you wank?

Actually had a fair loss of libido and problems cumming with my now-ex gf (hence the stress) but have really lost the desire lately

Godamn she grew..... I cooooom

>Natty 24.5 FFMI
>Wasting time cause im not on muscle potion

Maybe this isn't the right spot but for guys on gear who lost their gyms due to the Shanghai Shakes, what did you do cycle-wise? Did you immediately go off or cut the dosage?

I'm genuinely curious. I wondered about y'all.

Yeah. You've been spinning your wheels for 6 years. You said you hit your genetic limit 6 years ago so you've just been maintaining for coming up on a decade with no progress.

shut the fuck up.
what are the good BRANDS of gh right now?
i've found a few good ones, but some places ask for a phone number...makes no sense and don't trust.
any is Yas Forums so inexperience with hgh

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My cardiovascular performance has increased significantly, that counts.

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>literally can't ask anything in here
Jannies need to ban this bullshit already as it's just a circle jerk

a friend of mine was banned 30 days for asking how about finding a new dnp source
30 day ban.
the fuck is this place anymore???

Well, your 'friend' was a retard for taking DNP. So no loss

post body

its the prolactin mate. its literally the dick-killer hormone

MPMD is delusional dude. he legitemaly thinks most people can get to his size by taking less than 500mg. most people barely get above natty limit with several 500mg cycles so stop talking bullshit. you are not MPMD and you are definetely not greg doucette with elite level genetics

get fucked, pussy

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this wig wearing faggot has no authority on anything