I am looking into stretching more. Realized how inflexible I've gotten and had IT band issues from not stretching after a run.
Imbalance in hips/glutes are what caused it. Starting with this 30 day thing. Are there daily routines that you guys use to stretch? I need to consistent with it so I don't run into the same BS with injuries.
I'm also looking for more flexibility. I like swimming, but I can't do the butterfly stroke because my shoulders are too stiff.
Jason Gomez
if you sit a lot doing runners lunges are amazing. best hip flexor stretch there is. do them 1 min on each side every few hours. on a side note, yoga with adriene is a good starting point for people that want to get into yoga. keep in mind her classes are super basic, very easy for everyone. if you want harder youll have to find someone else
Anthony Roberts
You just know she loves to suck fuck and worship Black dick
Jack Bennett
static lunges fuck up my knee unfortunately
Jaxon Butler
coomers should be chemically castrated
Juan Howard
I'll definitely try the runners lunge. Yeah I figured her vids are intro Yoga. I'll check more stuff out thanks man. Try reverse lunges. They definitely help not to put so much stress on you knees. Instead of lunging forward step back to do the lunge.
Blake Evans
what is happening to your knee? how does it hurt?
Anthony Peterson
do this shoulder stretch for about 1-2 mins each side every day or every other day and in a month or 2 your shoulders will become so much more flexibly.
I'll try that not exactly fucked up as in injured, but I feel like a hindrance so to speak, and a need to make them crack all the time, as well as a pain sometimes when I lunge forward.
Liam Turner
I can't even do that move lol! But I'll try and work my way up to it, thanks.
Christian Jackson
use a band or towel
Cameron Butler
>decide to get healthier last year >start off with typical white woman manic shit >”I’m gonna be so healthy and fit and disciplined I’m gonna fukken make it I’m gonna join a yoga class and buy a planner and get an expensive water bottle” >join a hot yoga class because it’s a block away from my work and I can walk there without being mugged probably >hate it, sore, sick, wish I was dead >shavasana >literally lie on floor and pretend to be dead >literally lying on the floor imagining my own corpse prepped for sky burial and the buzzards are circling >have hard depression/PTSD so am kinda relaxing and enjoying being dead >teach comes and lays an icy cold wet cloth on my face >endorphin rush so hard I tear up >return every week chasing that “pretending I’m dead and ascending to heaven” feelin >less wishing I was dead the rest of the time >in fact, I don’t wish I was dead anymore at all >have lost 70 lbs on my lmao white woman fitness journey >did end up buying a planner and still use it >no expensive water bottle tho >teach came over to me during the last class before covid shutdown, said she was proud of me and how much my practice has improved since starting >making it.jpg
But now regular yoga feels like nothing. I only want to do hot yoga. If I’m not sweating and struggling what’s the point? A friend convinced me to try restorative yoga and I got so angry halfway through because it felt like nothing. What a waste.
Caleb Morales
yes like the other user said, use a belt or something to get the hands closer. few tips; it is mostly a stretch in the lower arm, as in my pic the stretch is in his left shoulder and mostly a stretch in his right tricep. sit up straight with your core, open up your chest (people like to slouch with this stretch), and find the spot where youll make a funny face. thats right where you want to be
Xavier Murphy
what's your endgame chang?
Daniel Flores
>it felt like nothing. What a waste. i always tell my students you can make any pose harder and deeper if you focus. that is kinda what yoga (and working out really) is for, to be in the moment and focused on the hear and now. most people who are in their head all the time have a very hard time doing a yin or restore class because you just sit in a pose for a long time and instead of going deeper with every breath they are stuck in their head thinking about the music or errands to do or how boring this is. but either way congrats and keep at your practice.
Joshua Parker
very nice read, thanks user(ette?).
Dominic Stewart
I couldn't do it either Basado
Christopher Adams
fuck off, chang
Nathan Myers
Are you cunts mugging me off because this is fucking agony
Juan Russell
>most people who are in their head all the time have a very hard time doing a yin or restore class because you just sit in a pose for a long time and instead of going deeper with every breath they are stuck in their head thinking about the music or errands to do or how boring this is.
Close, as I am in my head all the time. But I’ve got mental issues and do not care to be left alone with my thoughts for too long. I prefer to have to work so hard I can’t think about anything but what I am doing at that exact moment. That’s how I get to the “here and now”. If it’s too quiet and I’m not being either mentally stimulated or physically working hard, I freak out.
What's the best yoga series to follow if I'm so inflexible i can barely get into basic poses? Mainly my hips and hamstrings are the culprit. Most yoga videos just seem to assume you can already get into the poses and don't say what to focus on if you can't
Is this supposed to hurt as hell in your shoulder?
Owen White
i dont mean to be a dick when i ask this, is it pain or sensation? we/you want sensation. it is a very big shoulder stretch and imo the best.
Ryan Bell
Why the FUCK can’t I put my left heel on the floor in downward dog? My right calf is flexible enough, but my left calf won’t cooperate. It sends the energy of the pose into my shoulders rather than back towards my feet. I thought downward dog was supposed to be restorative? Why is it so hard?
Julian Rodriguez
lols. downdog can be very hard if you do it 100% right and have all your muscles engaged. you are supposed to push the floor away from you which will engage your shoulders. downdog is also one of the best hamstring stretches in yoga. as for your feet, maybe your left ankle is not as flexible as your right. if that is not the case and you want more calve stretches try lifting your toes in downdog and as many other poses as well. lifting your toes will help activate your calves more and over time make them more flexible
Kayden Murphy
Pain. I have pretty weak shoulders.
Dylan Hall
then back off a little, you can also do 1 arm at a time as well. take your time, shoulders open up and grow in flexibility very quickly if you stretch them on the regular (couple times a week)