Home workout

What is your lockdown workout routine?

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bicep curls 15 x 5

you know damn well no one will talk about whatever easily googleable topic you used as a pretense to make this bbc shitpost

I go to a little park near my house and do calisthenics

No, I am not ready to get Blacked. Imagine pitching this marketing idea to your boss

Lol. Pushups all day

Day 1: I do 300 (not in a row) pushups and ride the bike for 45 minutes
Day 2: I do 500 (not in a row) squats with my backpack full of books and then ride the bike for 45
Day 3: I do 150 (not in a row) wall assisted hand-stand pushups then planking for 20 total minutes (not 20 mins straight) and then 300-500 sit ups (No bike riding)
Day 4: I rest
Day 5: 150 (not in a row) table pull ups, row the couch 150 times, ride bike 45 minutes
Day 6: 150-200 reverse crunches (not sure what they're called) ride bike 45 minutes
Day 7: Rest

Row the couch? Haha

I only got low weights at home so i do 15x15

I'm desperate and have no weights, the couch is made of wood so I can grip one side and it's heavier than my backpack would be

200 pullups
200 hanging leg raises
300 pushups
300 squats

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>A bunch of bait that 30 people up vote
Why are you pretending this is mainstream? Post skin tone please you Chinese/Indian chink divider. Deck you

What are you talking about?

squats 4xF
pushups 5xF
pullups 5xF
DD OHP, lateral raises and curls
abs work

I add 1 more set each week before deloading

>backpack full of books
doesn't it put the center of gravity too low compared to barbell squats? Do you notive a difference?

I think he means the ads and the whole blacked fetish

Ayy BBC lmao

Well, today is:


60s Foam Roll Upper Back
60s Foam Roll Chest
30s Foam Roll Snow Angel
5reps/side Kneeling Lat Walks
10 Pushups
10 Lat Bridge

Workout 1:

4 x 5 Weighted Strict Pullups
4 x 8 Weighted Hand Release Pushup

Workout 2

4 x 30s Seated Band Rows
4 x 30s Lateral Raise
4 x 30s Side Plank Band Pull
4 x 30s Stead DB Curls

Workout 3

4 x 30s Plank March
4 x 30s Prone Snow Angels
4 x 30s Russian Twist

Fuck off with your garbage

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Is interracial sex really that accepted?

>Don't have kids. Abort your babies. Children are scary.
>Whites will be a minority soon
>What we aren't trying to replace you thats a racist conspiracy theory
Fuck off back to r9k faggot

Please tell me that picture isn't real.

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Its real. The BBC World Order is coming sooner than you think

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You love to see it

Dumbbell rows, chins, dumbbell ohp, pushups - weighted if I can be bothered.
All 2xf. Some goblet squats and flys dropped in every now and again. One day on, one day off, usually doing cardio on the off days.

It is not. Is it being pushed everywhere in order to be accepted in 10 years? Definitely

Most white women are open to taking Black dick

It's proven by statistics that black "people," are the least chosen for relationships. Black women don't even get chosen by black men either.


What kind of bulking can I do with this? Uni poorfag so can't buy much.

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the stats need updating. Times hae changed

just walk up/down stairs whilst lifting heavy. better muscle tension than riding a betabike


I've always had a home gym ever since I left uni so my routine has been exactly the same.

Don't have wheigths brah, I've only come up to do is doing some lats with the pedal at Max resistance, maybe I can dead lift the thing.

i wear it on the front, but it does
It's better than anything else i can do.
I tried with the couch but the walls got scratched and when I tried with the floor, the floor got scratched even with less weight.
Rows work because it's up and down (though there is starting to be a small dent in the floor, I can't lift until failure.

what the fuck happened to this board bros....

don't need weights bud. Just get something that you can put things in for example a backpack with tons of books inside which makes it heavy etc.

read again slowly this time

>don't need weights
I've lost 2 kilos in 4 weeks of muscle.
My bf % has gone down too
It's shit m8


no other options, been doing them, just isn't super helpful for gaining muscle

Based improviser