Am I beyond help? Gyms are closed so that's not even an option

Am I beyond help? Gyms are closed so that's not even an option.

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Fix your relationship with food and then fast

are you a guy or a girl?


Probably troll but heh. Gym is not even an option for your fat ass even if it was open. Stop stuffing your stupid face, fix your diet, fast, just stop eating garbage 24/7 you fat pos.


pls be in london

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Go on an online BMI calculator. Many of them like the UK NHS one come with recommended amounts of calories you should eat per day. Less than 2,000 generally. Youre a woman though and also incredibly fat so im probably off by a few hundred cals. Eating eggs and drinking water can help kill hunger too.

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I want to smash this slamhog so badly

sit on my fucking face

you didn't get like this because gyms closed last month, so why even bring it up?

Calorie cut

shadow boxing and kicking after eating
40 jumpings jacks 3 times a day
burpees till you are tired three times a day
dance like those brazilian samba girls till you are tired 2 times a day (be careful)
stretching once a day

i wanna rub your rolls

How old are you? If you're 30 and over, chances are high for saggy skin.

no not yet, if you keep eating youll get there

Just stop eating, retard. You don't need to go to the gym.

A gym would be of no help. Fix your relationship with food and stop lying to yourself about it. Start walking a few miles a day at least, then jogging, then running and some calisthenics. Then go to the gym.

not an option for you

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yeah just keep eating

fucking gross, stop being selfish

Absolutely disgusting.

t. faggot

More art from the architect

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god i just wanna fucking fuck you and fondle your tits while i stuff you full of cream so your belly is all bloated while i fuck you

I can help. Do you have your own place? I can move in with you and make sure you don't eat too much. If you pitch in some money I will cook for you to make sure you eat healthy and portion control. Also, I will be having a lot of sex with you.

can someone please explain this "london" meme please?

fucking newfags

it's not that bad, but you should definetly lose like 30 kgs
Then I would fuck the shit out of you

No one is beyond help. That level of obesity is dangerous, and you should seek medical advice and completely change your diet before going to the gym.

Get real advice from professional doctors!!

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gain 30kgs*

>when you are such a piece of shit that you have to fantasize about fucking really ugly fat chicks
>invite one over
>be sitting on the couch
>oh god she smells like shit shes probably been sweating non-stop
>she kisses me
>reflexively kiss back, hand to bob
>she breaks off the kiss when hand to bob
>stares at me
>oops was that too fast?
>she starts rocking back and forth really fast like she is going to get up but instead starts wrestling her shirt off
>i tell her to wait, that I don't want to rush
>take her home
>she tries to kiss me again and I hug her instead
>robot walk away
>ignore calls and texts

Oh god what did I do.

btw I'm autistic, not sure if that matters.