Do Americans really consider this a healthy diet?

Do Americans really consider this a healthy diet?

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Haha yeah, americans are fat and stupid

>meal prep
>eating better
>bunch of packaged crap and an apple
Really makes you wonder what the fuck was she eating before

This is why redditors all have the same skinnyfat body.

Unironically yes. This generalization can be made.

That's only for one day

Step up from getting starbucks for a snack and a kfc box for lunch.

eh at least KFC is protein

that shit in OP is all carbs and fast burning carbs too.

How is that better than grilled chicked and coleslaw?

The fuck is wrong with some good ol chicken?

Peanut butter with some kind of fruit preserve is actually quite healthy provided you don't use brands that are full of shit

Look at her most recent reddit posts if you want to kek


Are those skittles in the box? What the fuck?


Instead of a bircher muesli or something that actually makes you feel full. Pretty sure the husband is an architect and knows that she will cheat

Is this supposed to be a joke
Also are these really smarties in that plastic box

Are those fucking m&ms in those boxes? This has to be satire

I think she’s off the diet

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>peanut butter and jam
I will never understand. I can't believe Americans eat this for lunch. Or at all really.

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I can only imagine what number her weight starts with.

Fat women are the pickiest eaters in the world.
ie. They will not eat anything that is good for them.
Her husband probably isn't retarded he probably just knows this is the best he has a chance of achieving with his wife.

Honestly with strawberry jam it is pretty good. When I was deployed and the mess cooked disgusting food i couldn't eat at times I had peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches and protein shakes.

Nothing under 25x

I would never of guessed

>3 pizzas in two weeks
a pizza is enough food for 2 weeks.
8 slices of pie, 2 meals a week, 2 slices per meal.

Peanut butter and jam is delicious, you jealous, starving piece of shit.

>3 pizzas in two weeks
That's how many pizzas I eat in 1 year

>tons of sugar
>extreme lack of protein
what is this

imma hedge bets on starting with 3

>sugar and fat
>sugar and fat
>carbs and sugar
>protein and fat

Seems to cover all food groups.

The mind of the third world, ladies and gentlemen.

>a pizza is enough food for 2 weeks.

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Shes gotta hit that bare minimum of 300g of sugar a day to fit her macros.

>a pizza is enough food for 2 weeks
What kinda pizzas do you got jesus christ, either that or you dont lift and you're a hyper twig manlet.