Shaved or natural?

shaved or natural?

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Shaved civilized natural is natural aka Tribal animalistic savage.

That's one hairy nigga

but I doubt /frauds/ would understand

imagine being so insecure you refuse to live without a beard yikes

I'd bet that even that "Natural" is trimmed.

Depends really, I've got awful shoulder hair and patches on my back so I just ordered a back shaver. I plan to just trim abs and chest, and leave forearms.

this but unironically

right is jorah mormont mode

being homosexual and taking steroids seems to be a big combo

What back shaver? I got a cheap one from amazon that feels like it pulls the hair rather than cuts. My back also broke out a bit a few days after shaving it so that sucks

I hate hair so I shave off everything off my face, my arms, legs and chest. Ass is rather difficult to shave so I just run an electric trimmer over that.

>t. missing beard patches so I would look like a hobo in his puberty

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gay or straight?

>tfw literally no visible hairs except for belly button line

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shave or trim blue areas. trim or don't touch white areas.

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I personally like Henry's bodyhair. I've got a similar bodytype and keep some hair but trimmed, not shaven.

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well do you want to look like a man or a fag?

Having a beard is unsanitary.
I don't have to hide the lower half of my face to look good.

imagine this much cope. This guy is still ugly as sin despite being jacked.


I like my beard :(


are body hair gains genetic only? I got like none but am also 21

Shaving your body is for pretty boy fags. Yes some girls like it but not the good ones

>caring what some retards on the internet think about shaving body hair
just do whichever you like better you underage faggot


Natural, only women and faggots shave

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Shave your head then retard

There are these cool novel inventions called showers and soap. Do you know them?

This. Shave you look gross

This is coming from either a 350lbs neckbeard or a 100lbs soiboi

Shaven/trimmed is cleaner and fresher. Hair is for abos

he's like 6'2 though
>optimal chad height

>t. faggot
Clean shaved/trimmed face yes but if you trim anywhere else besides pubes you're either a woman or a faggot, I don't make the rules

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Shaving messes up my skin. I have really curly hair and sansitive skin. I get ingrown hairs