Mile time tier list?

Mile time tier list?

Attached: Makhloufi.jpg (386x506, 51.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

7:30 min - beginner
6:30 min - okayish
5 min - Yas Forums standard
1 min - runners standard

yeah if you can't do a 1 min mile then btfo

but the other times are fair, I think 5 is a decent runner
nobody on Yas Forums actually runs so the standard would probably be at 7:30

I run. In kms tho so never measured a mile, but I figure I could pull it off under 4.
Not particularly athletic just run for fun.

Over 10 min: fatty
8-10: untrained average person
7-8: casual runner (1run/week)
6-7: relatively experienced runner (2-3runs/week)
5-6: experienced runner (2-
3/week for years)
4-5: elite runner/athlete
This is for people aged 16-36
Every other answer not identical to mine is wrong.

Your standards are shit.

A sub 4 mile is REALLY fast. Even sub 5 is not something you'd do, if you were just 'running for fun'.

You're right, I didn't think it through too hard. Not used to thinking in miles.
But under 5 definitely. Shouldn't be much harder than a 3min km.

these are pretty accurate, a sub-6 minutes mile should be a good standard for being Yas Forums

Attached: 4chan-fit-standards.png (956x718, 484.49K)

mirin' his aesthetics

low bf really is key

kek dude I'm 250lbs at 6'3 and run a mile in 5-6 minutes.
your scale is shit.
only started running recently b/c of this kung flu shit.
yeah I'm out of breath as fuck but I don't get it, do you guys like start off with undeveloped baby legs? I trained legs a lot before kung flu. Just given my all makes me an experienced runner? fucking retarded. Running is about more than a mile, it's stamina. maintaining that mile speed for multiple miles. No fucking way could I run 5-6 minute miles for 3 miles. I'd be WAY TOO tired. However, my little bro, can who is a runner.
today I ran 1.5 miles.

Guarantee you're miscalculating your distance and underestimating your time

What was your actual time? And yes, just going all out for a mile and push it below 6 isn't that hard. Going for lower 5 or even sub 4 isn't easy though. Most 'experienced' hobby runners don't train for single miles though, but longer distances, so that's why that scale might be a little off. It's still not bad. Like 1/2/3/4 basically.

You're obese. Less fibbing, more running

sorry about your undeveloped baby legs.
I didn't even know having long extremely developed legs were so useful in running, because my brother never goes to the gym with me.
KEK holy shit do you actually think 1/2/3/4 determines if you are experienced?
NO jackass, it's the dyel gap, if you're at 1/2/3/4 you're effectively no longer a dyel
1/2/3/4 dyel limt
2/3/4/5 average lifter
3/4/5/6 experienced and strong
anything above objectively strong
literally ran today yah fucking homo. and going to run again tomorrow.
I'm going to become a fucking running chad and I will see you seething liek a little bitch because you can't run or lift as good as me.

You're supposed to be above the age of 18 to use this site.

Yeah, I'm 19.
wow have sex incel freak

Attached: 1581697756256.png (1029x831, 255.8K)

You should really go to some other site mate I don't think you really understand the humor here

Even fat people can have good cardio. This guy is 275 lbs and runs a mile in 6:18. It's a 360 camera video so you have to rotate it.

..on a treadmill

If you set an incline it can be the same as running outside. It says he's been running a little over a month, so that's impressive.

>5-6 minutes
So you're just guessing

>treadshills having the audacity to post in a running thread
Bet you can do loads on the leg press, a lot more than those fags squating

Let's see you run an "easy" 6:18 mile on a treadmill with 1 incline. Post the video in this thread later, i'll wait.

Attached: bolton.jpg (434x303, 57.79K)

I run 5:14 on solid ground, your 1 incline doesn't mean shit. Besides, how am I supposed to get a treadmill when gyms are closed nigger.

Even olympic runners use treadmill you toxic Yas Forums poster.

>I run 5:14
I bet you're not 275 lbs as a 5'10 guy. Also 1 incline is harder than 0. You don't know shit.

Treadmills are shit for running times and do not count/carry over to real running. It's good for controlled training.

Use to run a 5:42 mile in track but only a 6:40 on a treadmill.

Additionally couldn't get below 10:30 on a 1.5 mile on a treadmill but my best recorded(USAF PT) was 9:54.

Again, you don't know wtf you're talking about. Olympians train on treadmills.

Do olympians also compete on treadmills you drooling retard?

>it's good for controlled training

I literally stated it's good for training champ, maybe try reading the posts more.

I'm simply stating the times on treadmills do not count.

haha what kind of absolute retard reply is that? What does competitive racing days have to do with training?

They don't train on treadmills only though. As he said
> It's good for controlled training.
Also their treadmills are properly calibrated and not worn out and abused gym machines. I don't even want to talk shit on that fat dude, but first off his time is nothing special, no matter if you're fat or not. It's like an anorexic women deadlifting half a plate, who cares? If making/posting the vid helped him, alright he should do a blog about being fat and running a slow mile every day, but it doesn't mean shit. And second PRs/times on these don't matter, because of their inaccuracy.