How does that make you feel?

How does that make you feel?

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>No matter how much you lift, you will always be a manlet.

idk doesn’t affect me cause i’m 6’1”. how is this thread fitness related? these Yas Forums threads are getting annoying.

1,75cn here

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just move to a shorter place
be the king of manlets


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Haha that’s funny because usually “looking down” on someone means seeing them as inferior to you! But in this case it means she is actually looking in a downward line of sight on the person who she sees him as inferior to her... oh wait.

It's not that women inherently like tall guys, it's that they like the guy they are seeing to be taller than them

Obviously this gives a massive advantage to tall guys, but there are still short women that will date you if you are a manlet

>It's not that women inherently like tall guys
I got bad news for you.

I'm fucking seething right now.

bullshit all bullshit.

Jokes aside, that's completely false, women love looking down on people

>Went on a couple of dates since chicks are bored >One that I banged mentioned she liked me but usually only dated guys longer than her
>Instantly zoned out and ditched her
She gave shit head and couldn't ride a dick if her life depended on it.

Why do tallfags care so much about height?

I'm 5'7, so I'm ok with spam height posting, because my life is actually impacted by my height, but if i was 6'0+, I wouldn't bother posting about height shit, because it would be completely insignificant to me, my height would have zero negative impact on my life, so I would not even think about it, but it seems so much tallfags still insist on focusing on their height, why? You have won, why spend time jerking yourself off about it? Being tallfag, you should be happy you dont have to worry about height, so you should focus on something else in life, why spend all this time posting about height, when youre tall, it makes no sense to me.

I have a lot of money, so since money is not an issue for me, I never post about money, there's no point, I have so money much I dont have to worry about it, I dont have to shitpost about it, I dont even need to think about it. So you, as a tallfag, why would you spend a second of your life ever talking about height? You dont need to think about it, youre tall, you won in that regard, so find something else to post about.

Now for manlets? Sure, you can post about it, since its actually fucking with your life in a significant way. But sorry tallfags, there's literally 0 reason for you to ever post about height, go find something else to do with your time.

>longer than her
So why were you fucking trannies, user?

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desu 95% of negatives that come from me being 5'5 is getting bullied here
idk, maybe that would change if I actually approached women

I'm 6'5 and ladies love looking up on me.

If you have nothing else going on in your life, you need to bring others down for things they couldnt control. I'm 6'3 tall and have only fucked a few girls in my life, while a skinny 5'7 friend of mine, who plays guitar in a band has fucked an uncountable number of girls. I literally saw girls discussing his sex skills in front of us.

Not true unless your a gnome. Women look upto power regardless of height.

why does everyone have a short fuckboy friend?

Fell for the amazon meme, she was only marginally taller and were eye to eye. I think she was jaded that she was relatively tall for a woman but didn't have the physique to complete it. She looked robust, able to easily get into fitness or something athletic but didn't do anything with that gift; a shame really.

Keep seething dumb nigger newfag

mtf on right, ftm on left, and that's a good thing

>cuck theorem: People in a position of superiority will often lack the passion and interest in putting down their inferiors, simply because it is never in their mind. Thus threads built off a naturally cucked concept, true or not, was in fact made by the inferior who constantly thinks about it, and has made their life about their inferiority. Any degrading thread is in fact made by a seething cuck.
>i.e. threads that shit on manlets, made by manlets. Threads that shit on fat people, made by fats. And so on.

Post body

I’m 5’6” and have not had an issue getting girls. Being taller is more attractive, hands down. The sooner you stop being an insecure faggot about it the better off you will be. You don’t seem to care so this isn’t really directed at you but more towards the rest of Yas Forums. The number one thing girls hate is insecurity. They smell it on you like a dog. Have some balls. Manlet/lanklet threads are Yas Forums‘s bread and butter though. Own up to being a manlet and accept your lot in life. If all you care about is getting laid and you can’t do that then it’s not your height that’s the issue.

Feelings signaling how my human needs are satisfied or not .

"that" - assumed social situation , can not make you feel any thing . You just get emotional, because how you thing about 'that' social situation .

Show life serving power and that will beat the height.

I feel nothing because random tweets between nigerian nignogs have no bearing on my life

Yeah but why trannies, user?

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It doesn't feel great being ridiculed for your height, but what can you really do if you're short? You just gotta accept it for what it is. Can't exercise your way to tallness now, can you? Might as well go for ottermode, look lean and fit, and make yourself feel good about yourself. Maybe find a lady shorter than you are, too. That's my game plan at least, being 5'6".

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