/sig/ Self-Improvement General

How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes him/herself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between.

The sticky is divided like so:
>Recommended Readings.
>Some tips to get your life back on track.
>Study and Career.
>To-do list habit.rpg (If you’re TOTALLY Lost. Start with this one)
>Focus and meditation

Basic Recommendations:
>Have a productivity Framework that is flexible. A mindset that gets you going.
>Use a calendar, like google calendar. Hours and shit for things YOU WILL DO.
>Learn to focus.
>Do routines for things you should do periodically/daily, this should cover daily things or weekly chores such as laundry, cleaning, shopping.
>Identify and Eliminate conflicts within yourself.
>Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once you’ll burnout. Little by little.

>This is a good ‘sticky’ for self-development
>This one is a good blog for resources of this kind. I’ve seen annons give good feedback.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Why do they keep deleting /sig/ threads?
This shit literally took me off vidya after playing nonstop for 5 years in less than one month of visiting, started coming again a couple years later and now I barely see any

What are some recommended movies to watch that help prop up & reinforce masculine behavior or positive social traits in general?

Anything from the 80s.

Made In Britain

I have been trying to improve my self care, I just recently have really buckled down on making sure I shower every day and brush my teeth
I feel so weak and hopeless.. what should I do bros it's so difficult to even make sure I get my clothes washed or change my bedsheets. I have been trying to pull myself out of mental illness and I want to eventually work on my physical health too, I'm just so weak willed
Any words of encouragement or recommendations for how to start a basic self care routine appreciated..

join the military

Jannies are fat gay nigger-loving trannies, and you asked why they delete good threads? Jfc man I think it's quite clear.
Pic related, it's me when I see a tranny janny.

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I've heard that they won't let me in due to my mental health issues but yeah that would probably do it - being forced to do the things that I need to

anyone got link to the mega?

my biggest challenge as a literal autist is trying to build a social life. I've already moved away from home and lost most of my connections at one point or another. I either need to drastically change my behavior, or get involved in a club or something. fuck quarantine, and fuck the jannies

physical and mental health are one, don't use lack of one as an excuse to procrastinate the other

>took me off vidya after playing nonstop for 5 years
Can you share advice? I'm pretty fucking desperate. Vidya/internet are ruining me. Hit 1.5k hours on a steam game I play and nearly had a mental breakdown today

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/SIG/ put me in the gym and kept me there. Most productive thing on Yas Forums

Start by breaking 1 bad habit at a time. Stopping what toure doing wrong needs to come before doing things right. Dont overload your brain and try to become an ubermensch overnight.
>cold showers
>up at 6AM
>lift every day
>flawless diet
>no entertainment other than reading

I tried that and crashed and burned hard. Take it slow but steady

Is the OP missing a sticky or is the bakadesuyo link considered the main?

No memes. No games. No incel related crazy talk. How do I get a gf? I'm 22. I'm not a student. There are no women my age at my workplace (or church). None of my friends can set me up - they're weirdos who don't know any women. Women on dating apps are not interested in me. What do I do? Is it best to simply make peace with tfwnogf? Virtually all the saints, for instance, never had a gf.

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First of all, you have to stop trying. Girls can tell when you're desperate and it turns them off. Just go to a place where women are and be a good hearted, capable, and attractive man and it will happen eventually. Maybe you need to work on getting some of these qualities first.
Once a female has noticed you, you have to think of some reason why she should hang out with you. A really easy one these days is smoking pot, even though it's kind of sad, and might not get you the girl you're looking for. Anyway, offer for her to join you in some kind of activity that she would be interested in. If she agrees to hang out with you 1 on 1 all you have to do is keep the spaghetti in your pockets and she's basically your gf

Jannies are fags for deleting SIG threads. Arguably the greatest thread type on all of Yas Forums.

>Just go to a place where women are


Not him but I recommend going cold turkey. Once you realize nothing achieved in the game is of any value irl the urge to play video GAYmes diminishes.

Try keeping track of how many days in a row you can do something, and then have some kind of reward you'll give yourself when you get to a certain amount, i.e. 'I will go buy X thing I want once I've brushed my teeth 21 days in a row'.

Anywhere nigga. Join a club or yoga or some shit. And even if your church has nobody your age just join a small group/Bible study from some other church. They're basically set up to get you a gf.

The most recent hookup I had was with a girl at work, some workplaces have rules against that though. Right now is a really bad time for dating if your country is doing social distance but just go to a place that people your age would hang out. Bar, coffee shop, etc

>Join a club or yoga or some shit

I don't really understand this. Are there clubs that aren't connected to schools? I don't get it

>join a small group/Bible study from some other church

This could be a good idea

>SIG Mega

>Art Mega

>CyberAlexandria Mega

Daily Reminder to stop watching/listening to any advertising whatsoever. Install ublock/adblock/newpipe on all of your device. Do not give (((them))) ad revenue.

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Any advice on how to stop spiraling into old habits every so often? For the most part, I have really great habits but every couple months I'll essentially binge for a few days
>drink beer all day
>smoke cigarettes
>eat shitty fast food
>not work out
I always manage to pull myself out of it pretty quickly. Throw out the rest of my cigarettes, do my clean meal prep for the week and some extra hard cardio.

I'm still making progress both physically and towards my overall goals, but I feel like it's slowed down significantly by these slip-ups

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Sticky? where
Yas Forums sticky? /sig/ sticky?
divided where

>just go to a place that people your age would hang out. Bar, coffee shop, etc

I can see how this would go down in real life. You'd just be some dude at the bar alone getting weird looks

Not him but my female friends tell me they stay away from hobby groups because its full of creepy guys trying to hit on them.

>no discord shilling
>no wierd mega folder shilling
dare I say it..

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and yet there are always women out and about.

they'll come to you if you're doing it right
what is "it"?