When is it really over? Like if you start lifting at 14 and never stop, at what age, natty, will you not be able to pull
QTDDTOT - Ancient Horrors Edition
Is it better to exercise fasted or after a meal?
40. Then you're done. You'll have been married, have kids and be divorced by then though.
my knee is cracking when i do squats
is it really over for me bros
if i take sometime will it get better, itsn ot hurting or anything
performance wise it would be with a meal because you have fuel to well, fuel the exercise.
just do what works better for you though, I've had one of the best lifting sessions when I had not eaten for hours nor slept much meanwhile I've had sessions where I slept great, pre-planned meals prior to lifting and it was shit
it's fine, my knees crack all the time and I've been squatting ATG heavy and frequently for years
Bro I’m 27 and my knees pop when I get out of bed let alone lift, it’s been this way for years, pretty sure it’s normal
Will holding an ohp at the top with a full shrug extension build shoulders and traps?
I am working out 6 days a week starting from untrained, 6’2 25%bf. Also fasting in the meantime so I don’t expect a ton of hypertrophy gains until I reach my goal weight and can bulk. I’m basically just rotating between two workouts. Should I add anything? Change anything up?
Sun - bench press, barbell curl, overhead press
Mon - deadlift, bent over rows, dumbbell flys, leg extensions
Rinse and repeat until rest day. Planking every day. Can’t squat with my current home setup, and can’t find a pull-up bar for sale nearby
its like 100% of the time i squat and its quite loud
I haven't been able to work my chest since December due to a broken collar bone. How long will it take to regain muscle? Will it be quicker than normal muscle growth? Should I work my chest more frequently or just once a week?
nothing will build your traps like clean/snatch high pulls though
mine blew with all the pulling work I do daily and my friend that I hadn't seen for some weeks commented on them first thing when I opened the door
do you feel pain when squatting? then it's perfectly fine
once you build to respectable weights watch people around you look in scare as you squat 4pl8 with loud cracking noises, fuck do I miss lifting in a commercial gym
if you're doing 6 days a week, do an actual 6 day program like PPL
>can't squat
you probably could do a front squat. can you do leg curls with the extension you have?
also since you don't have cables, a fantastic tricep accessory for you would be close grip bench press
question for anyone who cares to respond.
I am 6' 3" male and dieted down from 315 to 200 ending towards the end of 2019. I started maintenance at 200lbs and started lifting in december with a very slight deficit and in the past months have reached 207lbs where I am now.
I didnt exactly make a fuckton of progress in the gym before it closed down, but definitely some muscle gain.
With the gyms closed down I've been aiming for a maintenance diet and doing bodyweight stuff at a local playground.
I feel like I'm not really making any progress with these bodyweight exercises and honestly wanna just get on with the whole process and cut down to like 180lbs or so since I still have quite the gut.
I know I stand to lose some of my gains but will I totally reverse my efforts in the gym if I go on a cut and continue these bodyweight exercises? With the opening date of the gym seeming further and further away I feel like I'm in limbo.
Well you are hitting chest and bis every day without a recovery day in between. That is a bit much, especially if you are cutting. If you are going to lift 6 days a week you might want to just do a ppl type plan. There are squat variations you could do like front squat or zercher otherwise just deadlift. Alternatively, if you won't squat, just deadlift on pull days and rest or do cardio on what would be leg day.
Yes I can do leg curls. I’ve mostly been hoping my overhead would hit my tris enough, will it not?
triceps are merely an secondary mover on the OHP
trust me, the secret to bench pressing more is by bench pressing "more", and the secret to overhead pressing more is by bench pressing "more"
if you do a PPL routine and incorporate incline bench and close grip bench on your bench day, I promise you that you will be seeing consistent gains
currently I can bench 220 lb for 3 sets of 5. I started benching in january having only done machine work, at 155 lb for sets. that's not even total beginner numbers, meaning you can very well improve your bench and ohp as a noob just by frequency
Someone please answer I'm starting to look like this twink
I depends
It'll come back quickly and obv you should train it more frequently
How long does it take escape Hank hill ass mode?
How frequently? What's the upper limit of training the same muscle?
Mate come on, it depends. I think you don't have a long training history or you'd know yourself well enough, so I recommend training it hard everyday and only taper it back when you need to and eventually you'll know yourself re the big factors: how strong/big you already are, quality of life/sleep, food type and intake amount
I made my most gains doing and AB like this:
A OHP Squat
B Bench Dead
and I trained every day. I made big gains because I was intermediate ~81kg bw so all I had to do was eat a lot and I was always progressing.
post old lifts
post old lifts
this is the guy who was debating cutting while at 207lbs.
My lifts were Squat 235lbs
bench 150lbs
row 140lbs
overhead 115lbs
deadlift 245lbs
all 5x5 except deadlifts 1x5
Obviously kinda shit but they were improving pretty steadily. I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels with bodyweight and I dont much enjoy it.
Is it common to gain weight when switching from exclusively cardio to exclusively weight lifting? I hate that I gained 8-10lbs in such a short period of time.
>deadlift 245lbs
>all 5x5 except deadlifts 1x5
I was doing stronglifts. Like I said I hadnt been lifting long and was improving. I was adding weight to my deadlift everytime I was doin em.
its also one of those SS derived squats each day routines and doing deads after squats im sure takes some away from deads. I just wanna know if I should be trying to maintain throughout this quarantine or just say fuck it and cut down to 175-180 or so since I still see myself as a fatass at 207 and 6'3"
Cut but don’t cut hard. Do it gradually like you would if you were still hitting the gym. Keep doing full body body weight routine every other day and try to progress on your BW routine (ie- more pull ups, weight on push ups, etc.) you should see reasonable progress in the mirror and on the exercises. And mate you’re still new so your noob gains will come back fast.
Yes cardio generally burns more calories. You should be doing both anyway.
Depends on bf% routine diet and training frequency. Oh and
how do you even spend 500 calories more than you intake? i got around 700 calories today, did 6 miles, and i barely burnt around 950. what gives? what exercises can I do to burn more calories than i consume while not starving myself?
What would you be considering a slower cut? Like one lb a week as a goal?
When I dropped my 100 some pounds I was pretty aggressive with it.
Right now I'm maintaining at around 2300-2400 so should I be aiming for like 2000 calories a day?
>Depends on bf% routine diet and training frequency. Oh and
I'm pretty low bf which makes it look so much worse, let's just say I am working glutes 5 days a week with weighted lunges and other similar exercises and diet is usually pretty good and I guess I have shit ass genetics but is one of the last places my body stores fat but I dont want to fill it out with fat.
Are you counting your basal metabolic rate?
Someone who is 200lbs for instance burns over 2000kcal a day just be existing. If that person worked out to add 950kcal onto that then they could eat 2450kcal a day and see weight loss.
Obviously depends on your current weight.
Their are TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculators online which can be a good guide.
last question ill ask, hopefully you or someone will answer. Generally, am I looking for a 50/50 split on cardio/weights? or alternating days or should I read the Sticky and Ill probably get my answer there? also thanks for the response, appreciate it