Tfw no genuine retard Hispanic unit gf

Tfw no genuine retard Hispanic unit gf

Why even lift bros?

Does lifting kill the pain of loneliness eventually?

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she's got a rockin body, and a cute demeanor, but she's astoundingly retarded.

Idk who that is but
>genuine retard unit
Made me think of something and I’d like answers guys:

Would you fuck a retarded chick? I mean a downright genuinely full blown mentally challenged woman. She looks EXACTLY like your ideal woman, every detail makes you diamonds. Even her smell is nice. But she’s undeniably totally retarded and the dumbest most shit for brains person you will have ever met. She’s just intelligent enough to be able to feed herself and bathe and practice minor hygiene. But other than that she is a bumbling idiot. You will essentially be her tard wrangler in a marriage. Would you have sex with her and/or date her?

You just described several of my exes.

Sounds like every woman I've ever met.

like most latinas/women

Listen to me, khv, you just described every woman on the planet.

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you fucker.. made a thread with the same OP pic

Looks Castiza (75% human, 25% indio). Might date but wouldn’t breed.

Fair enough but you guys know what I mean. My ex was literally the dumbest person I’ve known too. But she wasn’t full blown “DURRRR DEDEDE POOPOO HAHAHAHA I PET DA PUPPY” retarded

Simps are NPCs

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she is gross

Simpin' ain't easy my man, it costs a lot of money I'm down a few hundred bucks since quarentine on my harem or goddesses who love me for my donations, you'll never have even one beautiful girl talk to you.

Hottest girl I ever dated was probably like 80 IQ at most, just above mental retardation, or like an average black person except she was white so take away the aggression.

She was hot as fuck, but used to physically see the cogs turning in her head to even ponder the simplest of concepts or problems, she flat out said to me thinking hurts lmao. She wasn't bimbo tier when I was with her but she was definitely heading that way

Can I get a quick run down on this supposed downie?

Gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8.

Okay yeah so imagine that same girl but actually retarded

monica granda, she's got a yt channel, just listen to her talk for a minute and you'll understand

Probably yeah, I mean literally all that girl was to me was a fuck, never once listened to any of the retarded shit she had to say to me and didn't need to confide anything in her, just watched movies now and then and fucked her so if she was legit a retard it would be no different

I want her to crush my skull between her mighty amazonian thighs bros.

Well the initial reaction ain't good and after watching she's got a autistic charm

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I'd give her a quick rundown if you know what I mean haha

If I wouldn't be severely judged by my friends and family for dating a retard, definitely yes.


Sounds like every woman I’ve ever met

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simps are the cause of the world ills.

Let me guess... you’ve never had a girlfriend?

Bro I'd fuck the dog shit out of this autism. I think I'd probably marry her desu.
Imagine how much you could make a retard love you if you just fuck her good and feed her

Okay but you realize you’d likely be wiping her ass, wiping drool, essentially be caring for a child. Like the other replies wanna pretend this is all women, but even the dumbest women can survive on their own to a certain degree. I’m talking a sloppy straight up retard who can chew food and wipe their nose on their shirt. You sure Brah?
Good job champ

stfu incel

I assume she's cuban. Living in california there's two types of hispanic hoes the ones that sound like they have that weird spanish english shit going on or the ones that speak fucking normal. This bitch sounds like inbetween that. Her spic accent comes out on certain words then she sounds normal in others.

ahaha holy shit she's like the female version of Yas Forums actually autistic but has a nice body

Found virgin Latina gf that got adopted early by southern Baptist white intellectuals, she smart and hot. I will breed and say a prayer for you all fellow bretren, that you may have luck such as mine

I've had sex with 30 women

If you have a lot of dumb exes, that says a lot more about you.

How old is she

If it wasn't miscegenation I'd say based and redpilled.

the absolute irony of Yas Forums denying they'd date this woman because she's slightly autist

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Not him but I openly acknowledge and have come to grips with my 110 IQ intelligence. Just smart enough grasp concepts not smart enough critically engage with them. All of my exes have been borderline retards though including one who couldn’t wrap her head around other planets existing

Kek EXACT same with my ex. She was like at most, AT MOST 90 IQ. You have perfectly described her. You could see her try to understand something when you told her, like a computer loading a program. She use to hang out with my sister and my sister was objectively more intelligent than her despite being 18 and ten years younger

>tfw my body count is 30+ and all I wanna do is lift and watch gay ass anime with this adorable retard
I think I'm having gym withdrawals bros. I don't normally experience emotions that couldn't be used as lifting fuel.

The fuck are you on. I would date this woman because she's autistic

Honestly, the fact that's she's not only fit, but also an autistic anime fan only makes me adore her more.

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Nevermind, this bitch has SAO and AoT on her top ten anime. Not to mention all of the seasonal shit she's got on there.

In the guy who posted the retard question.

My ex was like 80 iq too, but she was black so instead of her trying to spin her cogs to attempt to understand she’d just get angry lmao. Not even joking. She once insisted “antiperspirant” has nothing to do with sweating and means to block body Oder while laughing at me. Threw a fit when I told her that was wrong