Chicken Seasoning

How do you season your chicken? I use seasoned salt but I'm curious what else you guys use, is it true sodium makes you looked bloated?

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salt and pepper is all you need desu

Salt, pepper, herbs de Provence.

Troll post

Back to /ck/ you go. Jannies clean this shit up

Marinade with garlic paste, a little white wine vinegar, olive oil, dried chillies, paprika, salt and pepper. Grill/bake/pan-fry/whatever.

salt pepper cayenne paprika garlic powder

The man's tryna get swole and is tired of bland chicken.

steak spice and a bit of cayanne

i found stuff called "vegetable seasoning" in the grocery store that is really great of chicken with a bit of cayanne too

>Based walking bird of gains not Yas Forums related
Get fucked

This is a board for fitness, not cooking. I got 3 jannies on my payroll if you wanna take it up with them?? Wisen up

Out of all the garbage threads up right now this is the one you call out?

Electric griddle until it feels like the palm of your hand; let it rest for 5 minutes; Tabasco. Service with a bowl of broccoli the size of your head.

Giga Karen has appeared

You looking to get spitroasted by two sexy hunks? Cause I'm ugly as fuck but I'll still join forces with 190 user to plug u if you don't stop calling me gay, bro

Lots of shit works well with chicken
>lemon pepper, rosemary, garlic, salt
>mrs dash or Kirkland salt free seasoning(similar), salt
>marinate and bake in italian dressing
>adobo (~1:1 coconut or rice vinegar + onions sauce, chopped onion, pepper corns, bay leaf, serve with rice)
>buffalo (red hot, butter, cornstarch)
Chicken is extremely versatile. Also fuck breasts. Thighs are better and cheaper, fat is good for you, don't be a pussy. Also salt isn't bad for you, electrolyte imbalance is. Just replace your salt lite salt so you always get 1:1 sodium:potassium whenever you salt your food. Reduces the possible bloat too. Sodium makes you hold water, potassium makes you shed water. You need to keep the two in balance and it's nearly impossible to get enough potassium from food because of barren soil from shitty modern farming practices.

Do I need to repeat myself

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Only ketchup

Tons of olive oil, black pepper, salt, turmeric, garlic, you will never eat chicken any other way after trying this

WELL STEP THE FUCK ON UP BOY. Im off my meds you little bitch. And guess what else????? I've already bribed the jannies with pictures of my cock and pure charisma. Don't you wish you had the power of melanin, lil man? I'll be there, alone, and waiting to stomp your dick in. Don't keep me waiting.

>Also fuck breasts

nothing. I learned to appreciate foods for what they are

Trump pls go

Is brining based?

So good it'll make you slap ya mama

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>I'm afraid of fat, fat makes you fat
retarded and manchild pilled

there's a reason why bodybuilders mainly eat chicken breasts you autistic fuck

Sounds like you're being a little too hard on yourself. Seasoning and salt aren't going to kill your gains. You don't have to punish yourself by abstaining from flavor. As long as you're not drenching the shit with condiments and mayo you're good.


salt, pepper, garlic, chilli powder/flakes, mixed herbs, oregano

chop it up and put into rice and veggies with some taco seasoning and hot sauce....baste taste

No classic bitches here.

BBQ w/ honey and brown sugar mixed in and reduced until super thick.. pepper and oregano on the chicken. Lather sauce on top and bake without covering.

Bean in the picture just have brown sugar, BBQ sauce, chopped onions and onion powder in them.

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Fuck, I forgot... four strips of thick cut hickory bacon chopped up in the beans as well.

Do some thin cuts(almost transparent) and flower them. They'll take no time to cook and taste really good.