Parrot lift

parrot lift

Attached: 0dhrg.jpg (400x309, 18.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>only 1pl8 neck curl


>Squawking Strength



Attached: e8a465a74d3600cfe96d39e912359725.jpg (594x441, 31.57K)

nice buttwink faggot

Post tailbone

Are you guys allowed to cheat and use your wings to generate some thrust or do you have to be strict and only use your neck?

Post wingspan

Post breasts

All that matters is the beak

*gouges out both of your eyes at once*

Attached: 1587506944300.jpg (886x1000, 72.18K)

Are toucans chads?

Attached: Ramphastos_toco_Whipsnade_Zoo.jpg (2869x2593, 3.33M)

Blessed bananabird

Attached: Bromine-symbol-square-Br-properties-some-periodic.jpg (1600x1068, 324.57K)

Toucans are rainbow fags, eagles are Chads

Attached: 1544153570805.jpg (444x446, 83.98K)


Attached: cad.jpg (550x393, 67.64K)

that's not impressive, he's just doing the same thing as the last guy

Toucans are extremely aggressive, and will stalk other birds by flying above them, and then stake out their nest and eat all their chicks. Toucans are ghetto as hell.

This is now a bird thread, toucans sound like niggers, the ultimate Chad bird is the almighty ostrich

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I think that's an emu, a bird that has actually killed people

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Ostriches are low inhib autists

You have been visited by calisthenics cockatiel

He challenges you to pull up contest

Normal mode: second to last digit sets, last digit reps
Hard mode: last 3 digits = reps performed in 24 hours
Ascended mode: last 3 digits = reps performed in 24 hours of a more advanced pullup progression of your choice

Attached: CmEykJxVAAAhDvx.jpg (2048x2048, 546.59K)

geese half high intimidation stats, not much else

not ostrich

Attached: 55327037-5473-4D06-A555-6C31287DB3D7.jpg (1000x584, 93.69K)

Negro crow fucks all the white birds

Attached: 1529958764526.jpg (240x240, 4.13K)

Attached: 1507610925722.webm (320x320, 553.32K)

>Leg day? Wtf is leg day?

Attached: file.png (734x959, 612.16K)

Post beak

You are allowed to slightly use your wings to press out that last rep.

Right? That sleek tuxedo coat and a massive beak, the toucan is gonna make it

ostriches are manic, toucans are chill bros
