How do i deal with chimp arms as a natty?

How do i deal with chimp arms as a natty?

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that skeleton creeps me out.

>Ditch lifting and do a striking combat sport
>Enjoy winning at least a few local comps on reach difference alone

Dodge the arms, sneak under and go for the legs. Make sure you watch for the teeth too, those fuckers will tear your face off.

Get into boxing

Why you bein raciss fo??

Sumo deadlift really fucking heavy because you can.

how does deadlift look with long arms? is the rom much smaller?

You need to listen to this guy, OP.
At low level competitions reach is such an insane advantage that you could probably beat some people just with a reach advantage alone.

Embrace it and learn to do full body muscle up with your feet touching the bar.

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>ditch lifting
wow what a bitch

Ditch lifting is great. Can you lift a ditch?

Like jon jones beats low levels with his 7 foot reach

>t. knows nothing about combat sports

That's a gibbon retard

first thing I thought

192 cm with 202cm wingspan
shitton of volume
10 sets of : lat raises, rear delt flyes, skullcrushers and curls a week
weighted chinups and weighted dips are gold

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>Fellow Chad 2m+ wingspan
This is the true sign of an alpha male

i'm a 28yo virgin

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Recognize that your diddys will always be superior to your other lifts and that your bench will be terrible.

get into wrestling

I want her to crush my skull with her thighs

switch to sumo and win a local PL competition

Like this

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Thanks for the tips brah
Ohp is also a bitch
Based Hitler dubs, hit those BURPEES

Think about it this ways long arm brahs, the longer your arms the bigger they'll appear when you finally get them up to size.

>t. eternal featherweight
What, you still believe the 70s "big muscles will slow you down" bullshit?

Don’t be natty?

What a joke. Deadlifting really is all about leverages. That same guy probably squats half that and can't bench more than 225.

This. Monkey arms are huge in combat sports. They can take a mediocre fighter to the top level.

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bruh khabib whooped conor and he's got short af arms, long arms are only good in striking, they're a disadvantage in grappling