Can the average person run a 5k in 25 mins?

So I've been pretty into fitness for the last 2 years doing a lot of weightlifting mainly, but I am feeling really shit about my running.

I was always extremely unathletic in school (would be one of the last people to finish races, cross country etc every time), but back then I was fat and literally did zero physical activity - my day would consist of sitting in school for 8 hours and then sitting at home for another 8 before sleeping. My dad would drag me out once a week for cycling but thats it.

Now, after 2 years of decent exercise I thought I'd have at least an acceptable level of fitness, I'm no longer fat etc, but recently I started running and after 4 weeks of running twice a week and really pushing myself with each running session, I still can't finish a fucking 5k in 25 mins. Just came back from my evening run, did 5k in 30 mins and I had to stop twice. Am I just extremely unathletic naturally, or is it normal considering I've mainly been weightlifting for the last 2 years? I just thought seeing as I'm no longer a fat ass (I don't have a six pack or anything but I'm in decent shape), I'd be able to do it. My friends that literally never run seem to be finishing 5k's in 25-30 mins and thats with zero training whatsoever.

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I can walk 5k in under 30 mins user.

given that it's a 30 minute -35 minute max- walk, then yes

The fastest I ever did a 5k was a little under a minute after a year of training, so yeah probably. Most people start off at 5 min for a 5k untrained

The average person can't run 5k

You need to run more. Do 3-4x a week at greater distances and you will greatly improve your time within a month

Lol bullshit, that’s 10km/hr. The average human walking speed is 5km/hr. obviously fit people will be able to walk much quicker than 5km/hr but unless you’re 7 feet tall and have freakishly long legs for that height you’re not gonna be walking 5k’s in 30 minutes

I ran a 5km race during freshers' week. The quickest chap was just under 15mins but from the full list of times I'd say that with a moderate training regiment you should aim for 20mins on a flat run. Apparently you keep improving moderately for 7 years if you train regularly so don't be disheartened by your current times user, I started with a 30min 5k time myself. Keep improving king.

I ran 23:35 for my first 5k
My routine was lift 3x a week (2 upper body and 1 leg day) with 30 min HIIT cardio on treadmill after lifting. I only started running the treadmill a month before the 5k. It also helped I played basketball once a week for 2 hours (half court)

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I think 25 minutes for a 5k is a ok beginner time. You should be under 20 minutes with some running training.

5k is ~3.1 miles. That would be ~ 8 minutes per mile which most people could probably do... for the first mile. After that they'd take a little longer on the second mile and around 10 minutes or more on the third.

TL;DR: No the average person is pathetic

Most people would struggle in 30 mins. I don’t think people realise how unfit most of society is.

Average person these days? Not sure, but wouldn't surprise me if most young-ish people can do it in around 30 mins. Personally I've just started running recently (only been lifting up until this point) and while I'm stronger than most I can barely hit 5k within 35 mins. Then again, my cardio has always been shit so I might be way worse than average.

I’m not a runner but a 25min 5k is good. I’m at 23 minutes and I am really running. 99% of people could not run for 3 straight miles if their life depended on it.

I did 1.6 miles in 10:44 yesterday first run I’ve done this year. Factor in fatigue I’d probably be around 25 mins.

you can't run at 180mph you absolute tit

>not believing estaters

what are you talking about retard

I have been running for 3 years and my best time is about 23 minutes and that is a struggle for me. It took a long time to work up to that. When I go to the local park runs I am usually in the top 25%. Most people could do it with enough regular training. With running the limiting factors are the strength of the lungs and heart, not the legs, so it may be difficult if you haven't been doing much cardio.

Keep on trying, OP

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I’m literally perfect for this. I made a whole post about how couch to 5k was fucking stupid and how cardio is easy as fuck. I do zero running and only do bjj. I haven’t don’t bjj since quarantine so maybe 1.5 months. Ran a 5k and was fucking dying. My only motivation was to post this pic and prove all the haters in that thread wrong. I don’t think I could have skimmed off two minutes if I tried that day and I would say I am above average fitness

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Runnerfag here.


these guys dont train like an athlete

Lmao runlet detected. How does it feel knowing you can’t even outrun a 90s corolla? You’re pathetic.

running is just a mental game

literally all in your head bro

defeat the voice that says you cant do it

I run 3 miles 5/week in like 28-33 minutes without even trying or thinking about it. Undoubtedly.

The average person doesn't run at all. There is no way that they are even close to your level.

running a 30 minute 5k nearly kills me but ive only been trying for like a month

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Most people can’t run for shit.

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Trying to do this. I know the only reason I cant go further is mental. I'm not wheezing at the end of a run. It's just that the voice is very convincing in the middle of a run.

Ive been doing stairs at my apartment building for cardio. Approx. how many steps does it take runners to do 5k?

My fastest time was 20 mins and some change FATASS put down the fork and try to go a little faster every day, DONT forget to stretch

I just started running since the quarantine started. I've been unathletic in every way my entire life but I started with couch to 5k. It takes me 15 minutes to run a mile so far and my lungs are on fire at the end but its noticeable better now than it was when I started and I'm down from a 17 minute mile when I started. Maybe in a few years I'll be at an 8 or even 7 minute mile I just know I can't keep being a slow wheezy ass my entire life

keep it up brother