How do I get rid of the “today is a loss, might as well keep overeating because I’ll start tomorrow” mindset?
I literally have everything else in life that I want except I need to lose 30 pounds. I have a big ego from surviving heart failure from anorexia twice and think I’m the champion of weight loss for losing over 200 pounds but now that I’ve gained back a bunch of it it all fades away whenever I eat and I binge.
How did you maintain an anorexic lifestyle? Maybe using methods that kept you on track then will work now.
Asher Bailey
What’s your current weight?
Asher Jackson
168 pounds at 5’10. After recovering from anorexia my perfect weight was 138.
Christian Perry
It was brutal. Every day I’d eat a slim Jim or a pouch of tuna then not eat anything else. I wouldn’t drink water, supplement electrolytes and I took an incredibly hot bath to sweat buckets for 2 hours.
I can never go back there.
David Lee
By not being retarded. Fix your diet and knclude some healthy sweets for that craving (greek yoghurt plus whey for example) and decrease deficiency to 500.
If you fuck up and then indulge your body learns that fucking up will lead to food and nutrients. If you fuck up and then do cardio not only do you lose the fuck up calories but also do you make ficking up unpleasant for yourself.
Nathaniel Murphy
Jack Davis
Cook your fucking food. Stop eating pre-made stuff and cook everything you eat. You'll notice meals suddenly getting scarcer.
Adam Bennett
It's important to stop thinking in terms of today and tommorow and think of your progress as continuous actions, stop waiting for the right time and just do something good now.
Ryan Stewart
I live with 4 fatasses, there’s always candy and shit lying around.
Angel Hernandez
user, 170 lbs at 5'10 is perfectly fine. If you feel fat, eat your bodyweight (lbs) in grams of protein each day and do strength training along with cardio. 140 lbs at 5'10 is scrawnlord tier. You can do better.
Easton Ward
I thought I looked beautiful at 138. Whatever makes you happy I guess
Daniel Sullivan
Just now realizing that you're probably not a man. Disregard, user. 140 is fine.
Benjamin Brooks
What's the lowest you ever were?
William Carter
In the 120s
Brayden Allen
Uh how did that heart failure happen because I'm your height and 115 atm user, am I in trouble?
Leo Cruz
I was dehydrating myself, not taking in electrolytes and just kept at that for months. Then after I got out (when my heart rate was in the 40s) I assumed the damage had all been fixed, like an addict getting a fresh new virgin body that has never touched a needle. Needless to say I got back to my same shit and was back in for another month
Robert Ramirez
I remember something Arnie said
>You can have a cheat day. You can have that slice of cake on your birthday. As long as you realise, every single calorie you eat has to be burned off. You’ve got to burn it yourself, nobody is going to do it for you. Every slice of cake is a 5k run just to get back to where you started.
You’re lying to yourself if you count in days. This day is lost, that day doesn’t count. Days don’t mean shit. You eat what you eat, and every crumb counts.
Thomas Phillips
Is that supposed to be funny? Womens are literal retards omg
Michael Sanchez
God damn it you’re so right. I’ve binged all day today because of my retarded mindset. I somehow learned some shit that it’s only physically possible to gain half a pound a day so I just say fuck it
Anthony Murphy
You should work at creating a eating pattern that satisfies you while being low carb. I drink water and do home cooked meals. That’s enough for me. If I break 1 day it doesn’t matter since my normal is healthy. I don’t have to even think about it. What is your normal and how do you put yourself in the position of buying a cupcake?
Samuel Walker
Just stop doing it jesus christ. Does everything in your life have to be some fucking melodramatic saga. Want something done? Do it retard.
Jason Walker
I’m switching to keto so I can hopefully shake my food addiction. Then when I’ve stopped feeling hunger I’ll do some fasts.
Jayden Lopez
It’s going to suck and unless you have developed an iron will in the past month you will struggle to not break. Good luck but you’re walking down the path most difficult to sustain.
Jaxson Davis
What do you suggest? I need to reach 138 by November for a convention
Connor Sanders
Start by recognising that, as far as your body is concerned, days do not exist in 24hr units.
Your body will start losing weight when you stop eating and start exercising. It will do this regardless of whether it's 8:20am or 11:32pm, whether it's a Friday or a Sunday or a Monday, it doesn't care.
When you say "Well, today is a write-off, I'll start tomorrow", know that you're lying to yourself - there's no such thing as >"today is a write-off", you're actually saying > "I'm going to waste even more time today".
Wyatt Smith
Either you still have anorexic tendencies so far as perfect weight, or you aren't actually 5'10
5'10 138 is very very skinny. You're probably like 5'7 and lying to yourself
Ian Flores
I’m actually closer to 5’11 (I only fuck with guys who I can look in the eye or im taller than) Like another user called out I’m female so 138 is kinda heavy even.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>so 138 is kinda heavy even Post pics, cause even as a female I don’t agree that 138 is a healthy weight to be at if you’re pushing 5’11”. A dude at that height would be a twig, and considering a girl is supposed to have more fat on her with hips, breasts, thighs, and ass I’ll assume you would look even more malnourished at that weight than a guy. You’re definitely still in that anorexic mindset
Julian Scott
Look up something called hyperphagia. If you're recovering from anorexia there's a good chance you're suffering from those symptoms and not 'binging' per se. Basically all the damage you've done has eroded not just muscle, but organs, bones, etc. Your body's number one priority is restoring all of that, and it needs a fuckton of calories to do it. Since no calorie ever goes 100% to cellular repair though, you're going to put on fat in excess of your original weight until every bit of lean body mass is restored. When that happens it'll be like a light switch turning off, the urge to binge will disappear nearly overnight, and your weight will start coming down again on its own.
t. Recovering anorexic
Brandon Edwards
I used to be 350...
William Wood
How long were you 350 for, and what was your weight like as a kid? Theoretically it shouldn't take getting back to that size to fully restore LBM, but I'm neither a doctor nor a nutritionist. For what it's worth though I'm an inch shorter than you and my weight gain capped out somewhere around 190lbs. That was back in December and I'm on the low end of 160 right now with 150ish being my pre-ana weight.