Tfw cutting

>tfw cutting

Is that a fucking burger pizza?

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Who cares. Theres better stuff to waste calories on.

Name a few user

I can think of a few actually, paella, and sushi are what come to mind

lol, this shit hold is in nyc off a block of bars
My high school alumni association does a bar crawl every thanksgiving through every bar on that block and at like 3 in the morning you either go there or cherry valley for shitty ass fatty food.
I prefer cherry valley (the beast chicken cutlet, bacon, swiss, onion rings, and brown gravy)

Looks delicious.
Bulking in America must be heaven on Earth.

you're honestly better off gorging on sashimi or going to a brazilian steakhouse

where the fuck is this
this pizza looks disgusting and I would never want to eat it but I'm curious to where this is in NYC
before quarantine happened, I'd usually hang around the east village to go to shitty dive bars

cheese and wine. holy shit i can't resist cheese and wine.

>Authentic Mexican food
>All you can eat Asian or Indian buffet
>PoBoy or Muffuletta (NOLA authentic, goddamn Napoleon House is the shit!)
>Deep South BBQ
>Soft Boiled Eggs with Pepperettes

Holy fuck I forgot about that shit it’s been a few months. Since everything’s closed I’ve been cooking shit at home trying new things, gonna give that a show as much as I can at home

that pizza in the middle right...dear God...

okay maybe some of you are too young to remember this, and maybe the scars and neuron loss of time have created a different memory of it but there was once a pizza chain called Godfathers (it doesn't exist around here but I think it's still out there). Godfathers had a taco pizza and it was fantastic. I used to get it with light sauce and extra meat, no tomato. Holy shit, i'd order a large for myself and have three slices per night for three days to make it last.

If you have a Godfathers in your area, live for me, Yas Forums. Take your cheat day and live for me.

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that pic is an appetite suppressant

Ugh, so much bread. Who eats wheat anymore?

Sounds nasty, I don’t really like chain pizzas or other people handling my food at all for that matter. But on my cheat day coming up in a couple weeks I’m gonna make homemade pizza. I’ll be sure to make a taco pizza.

>All you can eat Asian or Indian buffet
why would you tempt a brother during quarantine bro?

If I remember correctly I’d was a gas station chain? I never had it though

Are they even open right now? I have a planned cheat day once I hit certain weights but was gonna make my own shit because everything’s closed. If I can hit a sushi buffet I might do that instead although I feel as though it’ll be covid central

Based, sounds good. The closest one to me in Ohio is an hour and a half away (I live by Cleveland sadly). Is it worth the drive?

Baked broccoli or cauliflower. Peppers blackened on a grill. Well seasoned taco beef.

I second the baked cauliflower. You can even dip them in some lousiana sauce before hand to make em like wings.

No, it was a stand-alone chain when I remember it. They were found in gas stations here or there but they were no different from subway in that regard.

I would never tell anyone to drive an hour for pizza of any type. I'm just saying I have fond memories of that pizza which could be clouded by age and time.

Cauliflower is actually one of the like 3 things I won’t eat simply because I don’t like it. Like other veggies I’ll eat regardless if I like them or not, but I can’t keep cauliflower down

same desu. people think im weird for it but i just dont like it. Love me some broccoli though

Well if I'm down there I might swing by if it's worth it is what I meant. I bet there's a pizza somewhere that's worth driving an hour to get, there's a all you can eat Brazilian steakhouse about 45 mins from my house that's worth the drive.

Back when I didn't count calories or really give a fuck about nutrition I'd get a spoon and eat an entire jar of peanut butter while sipping on some milk. Fucking delicious. I had a ritual of devouring an entire pumpkin pie with some girl scout cookies at the end of every month in fall too since they were both in season in my area.

God damn man, I eat pretty much 100% clean and typing this out makes me long for those gym bro days of when I only did upper body lifts and didn't give a fuck about what I ate.

>tfw I don't know how long it'll be until I can have another shawarma drunk at 6AM after going out with my friends and walking to the bus stop to go home

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>tfw you have no idea when you and the boys will get together and drink the night away playing smash.

>tfw no cold wind blowing on my face while getting drunk with the lads in a balcony or terrace after playing some Ultimate Chicken Horse


I dislike broccoli too but I mean I’ll eat it and I know how to prepare it so it’s actually good, it’s one of the greatest things for you so everyone should be eating it
I love peanut butter man. I used to eat an entire jar too. Now at most I’ll have a bit with my oatmeal or like if I’m running late a single small spoonful for breakfast
Tfw I won’t be fucking you up anymore

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I'm so sorry user but I couldn't keep the truth from you any longer.
May you find peace.