Why don't I have abs? how do i fix this?

why don't I have abs? how do i fix this?
i squat 3pl8 for 5 and do hanging leg raises feet to the ceiling 5x a week, i make sure i activate my abs rather than hip flexors, i've cut to ~12-13% bodyfat and i still don't have any fucking abs
i'm lighting frauding as hard as possible in this pic, in neutral lighting there's no visibile definition whatsoever

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I also have this problem

You're fucking do a half vacuum and sucking in your stomach thats why idiot. Forcefully contract your abs like an abdominal and thigh by exhaling all the air out of your lungs then exhale for ten more seconds and see if you have nO aBs

everyones bodies are different, why do i have 30'' hips instead of 28'' like the next guy? why does that guy have broader shoulders than that other guy? why does...

you can cut more, but you already look good, maybe your abs just aren't as ''big'' as someone like jeff seid or something, nothing wrong with that

looking good with both strength, size, and aesthetics king, never forget that

both flexing my abs, or doing a vaccum makes my abs even less visible

Yes and no. You are right that everyone is different, however, if he trains abs and has low bf, he is supposed to see some results. Something is not right.

Mind posting a full frontal picture not doing the sideways pose?

Not trying to be a dick but it looks like you have that weird hourglass type body and are hiding it. I ask because when I was lean I had the same shit and I wanna know how to fix it, I look forward to being lean again but it sucks because it makes your hips and waist look wide and womanly but I’m pretty sure it’s just a lack of midsection muscle

Shit, I know what you mean, I am afraid I look as OP as well.

> 3pl8 for 5

Mind if I doubt that?

nah i have broad shoulders, narrow hips and an extremely tight 24" waist, i've intentionally avoided training my obliques to highlight the v-taper

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Get a tan, sweaty

>still posts a non forward facing picture
Nigger just post a pic where you’re standing without twisting at all

Did you used to be fat? Maybe it's loose skin

Looks like you still have abdominal fat. You’re probably closer to 18% body fat. You also look like you barely work your abs at all. Start doing resistance training on abs instead of body weight exercises. Do sit-ups holding plates over your head or something. I built my abs up this way to the point where they showed well at 23% body fat and just got better and better as I cut down into the low 10s.

you're already lean enough

at this point, it's all about hormones and diet

take a supplement to lower your cortisol levels and get the estrogen out of your body

that'll dry you out and get you tighter

cut your carbs just a bit and do a little more cardio on top of that, too

you'll start to see lines

>extremely tight 24" waist
The fuck. Together with the Eurocent on wrist thread, how skinny are you fuckers? Are you girls? 12 years old? Anorexic?

you're not 12-13%
whatever cheap shit you're using to measure it, it's wrong because it's cheap shit.
stop sucking in your gut you gigantic faggot.

You sit and have sat majority of your life on your ass before computer, therefore your abs didn't develop properly, as merely standing up straight and walking(these two things are supposed to take majority of your time) is affected by and affects abs. To catch up you will have to exercise more than normally developed male, not that there are many of them, but majority of men are girly faggots, don't have any muscle at all and don't post their shirtless photos, therefore you don't see them.


first pic is me at 165, 2nd pic is me at 190, retards.
>You sit and have sat majority of your life on your ass before computer, therefore your abs didn't develop properly,
i've done physical labor my whole life and i've been training since i was 14

dumb post

anyone can starve themselves and get abs

you don't get abs by working them

it's all about cardio, diet, and, hormones, not that meathead shit you mention

i look pretty starved in the OP pic, why don't I have abs then?


you have some residual estrogen and water weight

take a supplement to fix that while doing a bit more cardio, and you'll see them within a week

do more heavy compounds

Your body fat is no where near as low as you think it is. I can tell you have a little pouch of fat on lower belly and that little part that hangs from your belly button tells me you have a decent amount of fat there.

Anyway I’m in a similar position and I think you just have to keep grinding. This is probably the hardest barrier before visible abs for people like us because it really doesn’t like we’re making progress at all but if you monitor your body closely you’ll see you are. I can see vascularitt increeasing on my legs and body fat slowly decreasing in all other areas other than my stomach. Keep hustling cuz, you gonna make it.

Athleanx ab workouts will get you on that good shit.

im 25lbs lighter now than i was in the second pic, someone just wanted a front facing one and that's all i had

You are delusional. 15% at minimum.

see the post right above yours, retard

>get the estrogen out of your body
How do you do that?


>first pic is me at 165, 2nd pic is me at 190, retards.

You posted a picture at 25lbs heavier for why your abs aren't showing right now and we're the retards? Obviously we want a CURRENT PICTURE to assess you NOW. Might as well post a pic of you as a baby asking why you aren't jacked.

If you can drop 25lbs and nobody even notices the difference you're nowhere near lean enough to expect abs. Go on a diet. "I'm staaaarved though!"... evidently not.

Why don't I have abs guys? How much bf% am I and how much more to drop?

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