Controversial mogging

Controversial mogging

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Quality mog

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is the dog wearing a red bandana or is it's neck torn to shreds?

Red bandana. The jumpnigger was strangling it, not clawing it.

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looks like one of the big sturdy neck braces farmers will use on their dogs to protect their necks if they get into a fight with dingos. my grandpa used to have several dogs with legit spiked collars for fighting wolves

Pic related

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This will never be topped

>tfw i have similar bone structure to ronaldo

Is it even possible to mog Ali?
This is more of a meeting of champions

dude has some nice pecs

Chad stride

Correct, the manlet with the gun is getting mogged

>Is it even possible to mog Ali?

No, the man was the living embodiment of confidence in himself

>"controversial" mogs

The photo shows a handsome white man mogging Ali. Do you not get that?

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lol in what world is Ali getting mogged here? Ali looks powerful

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Who's that on the right?

Hes a negro you dumbfuck.

and who are you?

Im white.

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I guess they didn’t teach muzzle discipline back in those days lol

fucking aussies, man

that negro is greater than you ever will be


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true but irrelevant. hes still getting mogged.

he is not getting mogged.Ali is much more respected than that irrelevant guy on the right.Most people don't even know who he is.

>Ali is much more respected than that irrelevant guy on the right.Most people don't even know who he is.
neither do i. thats still irrelevant you fucking retard. hes taller and more muscular than him. that's the definition of a mog.

gets me every time

I disagree.Most people will not look at this picture think that Ali looks weak here.

There's a whole lot of money here.

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no one looks at and thinks the rock is weak either, but he still gets mogged by the fat nigger on the left.

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mogging threads are so fucking shit dude, originally you'd look at it and be like 'wow that poor guy is completely overshadowed by that guy' not 'likely the greatest heavyweight of all time is standing next to a guy an inch taller than him'

he doesn't