How the fuck do you improve pull-ups?
I've been stuck at 6 max for the past three weeks
How the fuck do you improve pull-ups?
I've been stuck at 6 max for the past three weeks
Are you taking days to rest?
By doing pull ups
Try Armstrong Pull-ups Program.
I do pullups probably about 4 days a week. I am running a pretty big calorie deficit atm, which may be affecting progress
How are you stuck at 6? Nigga just do seven.
Then eat more retard. If you're starving yourself never gonna make it.
Reduce reps and increase sets
Try doing them every day if you feel that you are regenerated. And maybe inverted pyramid, like:
1st day: 6,5,4,3,2
2nd day: 6,5,4,3,3
3rd day: 6,5,4,4,3,
etc, you get the idea
Do you have fitness bands? Do a few assisted reps after your 6.
If you don't have any (or after you're done your banded reps) do negative reps. Jump/step up to the top of the rep and take 3-4 seconds to lower yourself.
10 sets of 3-4 reps, 4 or more times a week, long rest time
Add volume. Sets of 1-2, if needed.
This, it's also called the Russian Fighter program. It got me from 8 to 15 reps in a couple months.
Film yourself, 9/10 people cut rom without noticing. lose weight, try hard
t. one arm pull uper
Do chin ups and rows instead.
either get stronger, get lighter or get better at doing pull ups (grease the groove)
I heard that after you unlock one arm pull-ups you have to be careful not to rip your dick off when you're having a wank.
Do 10 reps in however many sets you need to get to that number. Work on reducing either the amount of sets or the time it takes to complete. If it becomes easy, do the same but with 15. Repeat. 20. Repeat. 25. Etc. Rest and sleep often.
This happened to a friend of mine, but god damn is his back fuggin yoked
>sleep often
>he doesn't sleep for a minimum of 8 hours per night plus an afternoon powernap (preferably in the sun)
Static hold , do less with extra weight, do drop sets into assisted pulls up to failure , heavy barbell rows , focus on what makes you fail if it’s grip do forearm if it’s shoulders strengthen them .
Hello tendonitis my old friend
Russian military ladder is good for volume. Got me from 5 reps to 20 in a couple of month.
Lol hmmm yeah I wonder if a big calorific deficit might not be good for strength gains hmm tough one
>he doesn't sleep for a minimum of 8 hours per night
I do
>plus an afternoon powernap (preferably in the sun)
sometimes I do, but youre still retarded for calling it often.
How many sets/reps of pullups can I do daily without going into over training, my max is 15 in a set btw.
>assistence work
25%+ bf hands have written this post
Look up greese the groove (GTG) method of training
If your max is 6 do lots of sets of 3-4 throughout the day, never going to failure and focusing on overall more volume. Increasing it every couple of days.
Greasing the groove user, that's how we all did it
weighted pullups
it's just like my japanese animes, where piccolo takes off the weighted clothing