Imagine not liking metal, lmao! Low t confirmed
Metal bro’s are high test
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This song gets me so fucking amped up
Not bad
>he doesn't exclusively listen to sludge/doom/stoner metal
That was garbage.
Sludge is based, doom and stone are fucking boring.
>he doesn’t listen to black metal or melodic death metal
>t shit opinion
Found the guy with the attention span of a baby
If you're not listening almost exclusively to post/sludge/progressive metal, you're wasting your time and have shit taste.
Prog is shit gtfo zoomer
>prog is shit
Name 3 prog bands that are even worth listening too when lifting
The fuck is wrong with you?
MDM is based wtf are you on about? I bet you like power metal and nu metal lmao
>amon amarth!
The way us metal faggots argue the subgenres shows the short temper and lack of esteem for sure.
Fucking love everything except deathcore and metalcore grindcore shitcore.
Black metal and stoner doom actually. Nice projection though.
Metalcore is the gayest of all metal sub genres
Both of those are good but I don’t see what’s wrong with mdm
imagine quoting fake news from the daily mail
There’s a shit ton of other sources saying the exact same thing look it up.
i searched "listening to metal increases test" on google and this was one of the top results:
I'm sure there are articles saying both things, it just seems like a stupid claim to make and I doubt there is much science backing either side up
Instrumental prog metal and math rock for running. Chon, Covet, Scale the Summit, Plini, and so on.
Technical death metal for lifting. Btbam, the contortionist, the faceless, intronaut, and such.
Less bitching, more metal posting
Hardmode - try not posting the same stuff that gets posted every time
My biggest problem with melodeath is that its pretty much the modern day linkin park. Its the edgy music that's trying to pander to everyone in my opinion
This sounds way too much like the kind of shit that fatties rave about whenever a headline says something they agree with when the real idea behind it is nothing like what the headline implies. Why not enjoy the music and quit looking for whatever validation some bullshit "study" might give
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
Try out Belakor, found them from Yas Forums
I agree with you, I enjoy the music just think it's a pretty stupid claim to make
I mean it makes sense that higher test people like aggressive music like metal imo