Does Yas Forums have the best taste in women? Why so?
Does Yas Forums have the best taste in women? Why so?
Not terrible but could be better imo
1 and 7
Most of those women are fat
they are not fit
>Yas Forums
>liking women
You haven't been here long, have you?
This is awful lolll
My taste in women is women who can stand me
Those are all men
3 is best. Is she that Persian bitch? I'd stuff her in a wardrobe and fuck her my entire life.
Whats that Asian chick's name pls I need cooooom
Ching Chang Ding Dong Ping Pong
I'd still smash the wurm girl
which one of these will be fun to spend time with and will raise good children and love me for who i am
dont (you) me, i already know the answer ;_;
>no dark chocolate
Coffee is good for you user, my wife’s body is like Maserati XXX and life is very based, especially with the lockdown
>tfw daily titfucks/blowjobs
What the fuck is wrong with her back? Seriously, how can you have such a developed core but a deformed back?
look haha how it would feel my peepee in her haha imagine
Fat chicks. Gross.
You're gross
Yas Forums is they gayest board on here, so probably not
Have you ever been to /b? It's only degenerate tranny shit.
who is 3 bros?
>fuck 6
>Based titfuck king