Nofap Motivation Thread

Hello anons, I just wanted to make a thread and tell you that YOU can make it. You are perfectly capable of not wanking, and that we are here to support you in making the choice to free yourself from fapping. We have all seen the results of abstaining, usually in others, occasionally in ourselves. Think about how amazing a transformation it can be for YOU.

For the folks who decry nofap and try to drag you down with thot-posting, recognize them for what they are; bitter at their own failure, they try to bring you down to their level. They want you to be weak, mentally and spiritually. They do not want you to reach your potential.

Most of all, nofap is about personal respect. Your body is a wonderful gift, capable of many amazing things, and to so cruelly abuse it for momentary pleasure is the saddest thing imaginable.

I love you, user. I love each and every one of you, and I want you all to succeed. You are worth it. We are here to support you.

Attached: scultp_urself_fag.jpg (1920x1080, 154.22K)

you faggots sound like youre afraid of your dicks

Cope commer

I'm afraid of god. He sees everything, including you cooming your days away.

user, I am afraid

Right cause abstaining from losing bodily fluids, possibly a number of nutrients, and our sanity is somehow being "afraid" of our dicks.

im about to be on day 12 bros, were all gonna make it

>appears on your board
>absolutely crushes your nofap streak
>nothing personnel

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Very cool bro, I'm glad to hear about your success! May you never fail!

its just a cock and if some meat beating made you lose your sanity you did something clearly wrong...nice trips
btw i agree with >55253799

So in between the time when you saw this pic and started fapping, did you stop to think why you were doing this? Did you puzzle yourself about why you felt it was necessary to do masturbate? That is an addiction, when you find yourself running on autopilot is when you should reach out for help. We are here for you bro, we love you and want you to succeed.

thank you fren, you too!

>made you lose your sanity you did something clearly wrong
Learn what chronic masturbaters are. You can easily find them on Yas Forums, I guarantee you that.

So I've done well on nofap but this weekend I was with a female for the first time in awhile and came once each day, but it was from her and I wont look at porn or masturbate, but should I feel guilty about cooming? I feel like I lost my power but i still haven't masturbated or looked at porn in a long time. So is this okay?

Nofap is hard on meth

mother of god...

The point of nofap is to rid your addiction of PORN. If you're being sexual with another person, that doesn't break your streak. You're SUPPOSE to come with another person instead of stimulating yourself.

why has meth been mentioned so often lately?

Fucking hell at times I feel like relapsing but my will comes in clutch most of the time.

>5 Days

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You are good man, remember it’s called “nofap”, not “nocoom”, you have no reason to feel guilty

because it’s so goooood

You can make it bro, minute by minute, day by day, until you are no longer aware of your desire.

>Masturbating is unnatural
Fucking cringe. Not cooming won't make you Chad you fucking losers

You dont know what my dick is capable of

That's right, it won't make us Chad. But you don't see Chad cooming all day to pornography, do you. Why should we not seek to improve, aspire to something better than what we currently are?

how much is pornhub paying you?

lol master jedi dick

i see these threads mostly about pseudoscience and people who think they have it and i get tumblr vibes

All right lads. Day 2. Already feeling a little more motivated and conscientious. I've managed 4-6mo streaks before and I'm a 30yo boomer. Time to lock it down permanently.

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I love you too, faggot OP

mad cuz hand permanently stuck to dick