Guess how much I squat

Guess how much I squat

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Black people don’t have calves.

>caring about calves

somewhere between 350 and 500. Could be more if you have a long torso and strong core. Could be less if you don't squat often

You don't squat. You bike.


What makes you say think that?

you're thinking of brains user

4 bicycles

Classic biker legs.
You can end your bait thread now OP.

I do wonder why cyclist always have underdeveloped calves in comparison to quads

biking makes almost no use of the calves

Nothing? Your size says you dont even lift, your vascularity suggests biking or something similar

this is the other attention whore nigger

About tree fiddy


Why are blacks allowed on the Yas Forums?

Based tree poster

I’m gonna guess you can squat on 10” of thick cock

train your calves

Idk maybe like 2

You're thinking of dads


your dominant leg is bigger than the other and you need to fix it


that would be careers

His right leg is closer to the camera, and the quads are a hip flexor.
Seriously, does fit completely lack spacial reasoning?

Do they make you insecure user?