Why on Earth are we still using BMI to qualify how many people are overweight and obese...

Why on Earth are we still using BMI to qualify how many people are overweight and obese? It isn't hard for a doctor to take percentage body fat with a couple $2 tools so why don't we use that?

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eat shit weeb

For natties BMI tells you how fat you are. If you have a BMI of 35 you can't have cardio and you can't be lean. It just is what it is. Thin is fit. Thin is healthy. There's just no way around it.

because 90% of people don't hit the gym/exercise, so BMI works well for the majority of the population

Muscle weighs more than fat. Someone who's been lifting for four years would be obese with 0% body fat

> Muscle weighs more than fat
What weighs more? A kilogram of fat, or a kilogram of muscle?
That's right, it's the kilogram of muscle, cuz muscle is heavier than fat.

Because fake natties should piss off and die.

They explicitly say BMI is not accurate for bodybuilders, same for certain races (some Guatemalan types who are like 35 bmi)

Because Body Mass Index is not the same as bodyfat %, faggot.

Pic rel.
This guy is extremely overweight, he must have mobility issues, his heart has a very hard time pumping blood, he gasps for breath by just talking, his joints must ache or will in the future.
Not only is it a very unhealthy state, there is literally no difference between this and a 35%+ bf person who has the same bmi.

BMI estimates how much -mass- your body is capable of sustaining.

This is why theres is an "ideal range".
Below: that person's musculature is underdeveloped (unhealthy)
Above: that person is carrying too much mass and weight (unhealthy). Usually, the reason for this is simply too high bf%.

Gymbros tend to believe that BMI doesnt apply to them. They are wrong.
A person with a very well developed musculature -will- be within the healthy, ideal range by default. But if that person has a bf% of more than 15 they -will- be overweight. They will be carrying more mass that their bodies can comfortably sustain.

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Not true, I am 90kg and 185 cm and still says I am a porky pork big boy. I am been lift real heavy and have no belly grease to make me look bad.

Bmi was created by a quack and is on par with chiropracty and reflexology.

Sure, bro

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BMI also doesnt work well for tall people
im 195cm tall with 95kg and according to BMI 25, i am at the end of normal weight
but i am actually really skinny looking, just because im so tall

It was made up in the 1800s by an astrologer from fucking belgium.

It was, but the above post is still correct in that particular case.

If you did factor bodyfat and muscle development to some degree, though, it could be a fairly good estimate.

It doesn't work at all whatsoever because it doesn't take bone density or shape into account. It's fucking quackery

Rick pialla was on drugs equivelent to drinking a handle of booze and smoking 4 cigars a day. Bmi doesn't take drugs into account either and fucking Doug Stanhope would be considered healthy via bmi.

i get the snark but kilograms don't measure weight they measure mass.

I know a girl that's barrel chested, low body fat, but high BMI, and is pretty fit. I disagree with the system. It only works for some people

Because easy.
It's not hard, even some PE teachers know how to do it. PE teachers only care about high jump, sprint, and some other shit. I don't have enough money to visit a doctor who gives a fuck, never met one.

Not the other guy but
>Bmi doesn't take drugs into account

What the fuck are you talking about

Okay... And? How does its oringins make it invalid?
You do know that this is a system used in the medical field, right?

Ricky peralta, aka leave humanity behind, aka heart attack bloat, aka tiny balls make your pp look bigger, aka 10 scoops c'mon was on enough gear to kill a racehorse and that's why he had a heart attack not weight.

You have no idea how retarded the medical field is. The shifts doctors and nurses work is based on a literal cokeheads stamina and they continue to use them to this day despite being proven to be dangerous and negligent.

Because we don’t have anything else. BMI is actually pretty good for population assessments, but for individuals, it’s shit. And because those stupid caliper things aren’t very accurate.


Regardless of the cause of his death. He was very overweight. He was very much above his healthy bmi range

Should be "muscle is denser than fat"
is either stupid or dropped out before graduating

1kg of muscle takes up less space than 1kg of fat

Honestly a guy legitimatly obese is probably at less risk of a heart attack than a guy who has pinned an absurd amount of gear for 30 years.

I dont think I have it in me to talk reason into you, brother.
I'll tell you this though:
If I had to guess why health profesionals work so many hours Id say that it is probably because there just isnt enough of them to allow for fewer hours.
Idk though.

Still. What the fuck does this have to do with the validity of bmi, I dont know.
Maybe you know better, I guess
Fuck it.
I just posted to explain bmi to Op

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But the negative impact that too high a bmi has on health is the same. Meat or fat. Mass is mass.

No, you are simply ignorant. You're appealing to authority because you don't know enough not to.