Only men should want to get rid of round bellies. It is literally the sexiest thing a woman can be...

Only men should want to get rid of round bellies. It is literally the sexiest thing a woman can be. Looking pregnant without being pregnant. That shit gets men harder than big round tits ever will.

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I'm right behind you, faggot op

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Gains goblin, I will be STICC if it kills me

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Where did all these fat-chasing cucks come from? Are we being raided by Huffpo journalists?

>quickly looks down after looking up at face

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get carona'd fatty.

were talking normal girls with cute, sexy round bellies. not fat whales or uggos

Kys retard

this is a doll....

cringe, low test and sticcpilled

Even if she is I wanna look like her

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she would look better with about 40 extra pounds

Gross. Sticcmode is perfection. Perfect and youthful forever

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It feels so right to mog and pound a lil chubby girl

They're nothing to hold on to.

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it's supposed to feel right. men want a woman with a BELLY TO GRAB. not obese women, but women who are filled out in all the right places.

this is medically horrific

oh god give her to me now I want to fuck her till she’s fit

me first

this is actually disgusting
humanity is trashed
the obesity epidemic kills us all before corona, calling it now

That looks really nice desu

>Sticcmode is perfection
Need a little bit of meat on your bones so you don't get broken being thrown around

It's a girl, there is always hair.

bodies are resilient, and getting hurt feels good

exactly. Plus they dont understand that these girls turn into hambeasts with a QUICKNESS, and that the unhealthy lifestyles that allow one to gain and maintain that weight also lead to poor skin, terrible flexilbility, no mobility, bad breath, horrible teeth, dull and brittle hair, discolored nails, etc. lots of things that make you very ugly!!

they've been raiding for ages

Disgusting pigs, how can guys who are supposedly into fitness support this? These women are not healthy.

I want myself to be fit. Not women.

Why? We should be supporting everyone to live a healthy sustainable lifestyle.

it's beautiful you low test nigger

>women who are filled out in all the right places.
tits and ass ONLY

But the women will die sooner so you'll eventually move to other women even if you're the fit one you fucking dumbass

If she is so skinny she has no tits you may aswel fuck a prepubescent boy.