Post the modern equivalent of 'men'
/WHT/ weak people hate thread
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Maybe he's got multiple sclerosis or something.
>Overhead presses more than a plate
Stronger tha 90% of Yas Forums
No way, a health problem that could make it difficult to open a simple bottle? He's a soicuck xDDD
>this is your workout:
>500m row
>20 push-ups
>10ring rows
jesus christ what the fuck
someone is bitter nobody married her by 40 lmao
Damn, bringing back the andrea dworkin stuff in the 2020s. I dig it.
Bump I love these threads
Sort of a weak person I knew:
>work in tech
>sit next to a very fat, constantly sweaty, cigarette smoking pajeet
>never stops talking, constantly babbling about Pokémon or some video game
>sure, this is a tech company so people play videos, but even still he just talks out loud to the office and no one answers him
>we’re moving offices soon
>new office had a gym
>this man weighs at least 280 lbs and is a self-proclaimed “gamer”, exercise gets in the way, “I’m lovable”, “I’m cuddly”, “I’m thick hehe” type of guy
>drinks 2 monsters a day, eats 2 breakfast sandwiches every morning, drinks soda throughout the entire day
>talks about getting a minifridge to put under his desk even tho the kitchen has a fridge
>office move coming up
>”when we get to this office I’m gonna go to the gym every day and get so skinny”
>tell him that you can get started now with a diet, of being skinny is your goal. An office gym of just some dumbbells isn’t going to do much to help you lose weight if you eat the same
>he thinks for a moment
>”O.K., I’ll start my new diet when we move offices
>gets fired for falling asleep at his desk twice
>never got to see the new office gym
>it’s a single yoga mat and 10 dumbbells between 10lbs and 35lbs.
at least there's one based person in that bunch
>good, use those legs
I thought they were supposed to OHP.
Look at that fucking CHAD on the right. Tallest in the room, mane of hair, stiff armed salute and not limp like the others, and hand around some Emo art thot who isn’t fat and looks kinda cute. Wow what a fucking legend
Jerk is very different than push, but he still did decent with the 2pl8
>isn’t fat
what time do Americans usually log off Yas Forums?
I despise office gyms
push press dingus
Yes, health problems like that exist lol. I doubt he has one though
I'd fuck the shit out of the slampig on the left and also the slut on the right
He reps out 2pl8 like its nothing later.
What am I if I workout obsessively 2 hours per day but am a 115lb weed (therefore weak)
those are oversized crossfit bumpers, they're 15lbs each
I assume this is bait? Those are obviously bumper plates
manlet betadestiny had to train for years to reach 2 pl8s and based chad tall Keith manages it first time
That doesn’t even look human
why are their movements like gays?
Is high test still a thing? Haven’t been here in a while
look at the comment section if you want to see weak people. jesus it's horrible
my office gym has dumbells up to 35kg and i fucked a colleague in the shower because nobody was using the gym.
lmao most of that comment section is people saying how nice the instructor is, because he didn't do jack shit to push them
It's crossfit lmao
Workplace relationships? Just wait til HR hears about this