Be me

>be me
>fap once every day
>balls feel like a saggy piece of loose skin
>penis is totally flaccid
>do nofap for more than one day
>balls are thick and frothy, erections much stronger and happen more easily and more often
Shit works, I tell you

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Can anybody here have dry orgasms on command. Not retrograde ejaculation either but a true dry orgasm. Does doing that have the same benefit as nofap? I feel like it does.


Nah yoursle just a betafaggot loser with low test and inferior genetics. Cope garder but you gonna die an incel.

I fap 2-3 times a day, steong erections, firm balls, big balls, happy, energetic easy peasy talking with women. Love watching porn, sometimes even with girls together. They like it to.

Imagine meeting a girl and having to tell her you cant fap because its bad for you. What are you? Some kind of low test looser?

Post nose and last name

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you might have some serious issues if true. Like actually get your dick checked cause that really not normal at all

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>Love watching porn, sometimes even with girls together. They like it to.
Get a load of this faggot who thinks the girls in porn are actually talking to him

>this is what happens when you give a third world nigger a computer

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I’ve been jerking off almost everyday multiple times for the last like 13 years. If I skip one day my next load is fucking massive and a bitch to clean up.

Its full of mutts...


Nah im over 30 and my favourite jerkoffmaterial is my lolicollection i got here before you newfags all stopped shitting your pants.

I bet if you had stuff that good youd also think that nofap is a waste of those artists dedication. This stuff just has to be fapped to, thats why they made it.

on a serious note, user, kys.

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You sound like a absolute sniveling pig. Honestly what are you even saying retard.

haven't even done nofap but you talk like a fucking third grader. Post yourself RIGHT NOW with a timestamp if you wanna talk like a big man

Based and coompilled

Did Trump write this?

Hey [redacted] ! you don't [censored] with Agent P like that, you [removed].
>t. Defender of the Agency

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Dude you wouldnt even be able to understand my powerlevel. My pics just would make you miserable.

Dude you wouldnt even be able to understand my powerlevel. My pics just would make you miserable.

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Epic troll 10/10

how much protein do a platypus have?

dude you're jacking-off to a man made piece of art, basically a dude's fantasy and that's fucking gay

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Between five and six depending on size

What the fuck is this fucking picture what the honest fuck

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>I love rubbing my penis while watching other people have sex if yo hiding your e a beta faggot HAHAHAHAHA

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You know the sperm isn't stored within your testicles, right?

Not op but no I didn’t. Why do my balls start to swell and ache the longer I don’t jerk off beyond 3 days?

OP here. I call bullshit. Contradicts everything else I heard and common sense.
Same here. I think everyone feels that.

They're stored in the epididymis, which is in the upper portion of the back part of your balls.

I would imagine you only think they're swollen, but they're actually the same size.

I'm not positive on the answer to your question though. I do know that the longer you go without cumming, the more sensitive you become sexually.

It takes a 5 second google search to see where the sperm is stored. Jesus

Tryhard spotted.