Do women like the buzzcut?

do women like the buzzcut?

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Only on attractive men

femanon here
only on hot guys, if you don't have a nice jawline don't even bother
don't @ me

No. Not unless you have a perfect hairline and nearly perfect face. Even Jason Statham looks kind of retarded.

im bolding a bit

Yes, if you train neck.

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Also im trans idk if that matters

mearns you are not a female, tranny

>do women li-
who cares



Not even female,btw just warping

who cares, it's still 1000x less beta than hair transplants and/or nuking your body's second most important male androgen

whatever you find attractive I'll be sure to do the opposite, circus freak.

Imagine falling for the meme.

Its like all women have same preferences in men... Thats why you don`t get laid, you autistic virgins. Start being yourselves and caring less what others think.

im asexual but life is easier when women find you attraktive

They don't care what type of hair you have if you have a good face. Likewise they don't care if you have an ugly face, no hair will look good then. But overall looks aren't as important to women as a woman's looks are to men, they also judge attractiveness on status, confidence, etc. That's why fat washed up actors get infinitely more attention than young, healthy, and athletic men

lurk moar



>tfw diffuse thinner
>perfect box hairline
>try to buzz it down to a 2
>looks ok in bathroom lighting
>go to work fluorescent lighting makes me look like costanza

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who cares what women like

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I, too, am female

Ive got diffuse thinning hair. Just you wait until it doesn't look ok in any lighting

depends on how much money you make

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If you’ve a full head of hair yes they’re acceptable. Bald shiny is not acceptable for them

He’s a baldie, he looks like shit. Buzz cut is different

This. No matter what a bald man does he’s out of the casual sex scene.


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