Gold’s is dying. Do you really think your gym will survive?
The end times are nigh
Most gyms are hilariously in debt so the industry is fucked
I’ll be first in line for the equipment auctions.
>a month of zero profits has damn near every business failing
Lol capitalism
good fuck mcgyms
I use the gym at the university close to me
Unless the university disappears, I'm pretty safe
I hope my local gym survives :(
But if they be selling the equipment I’m first in line lelz
>private businesses firing all their employees and begging for donations after weeks of no buys.
Lol get fucked.
I didn't have a gym pre-shutdown because i just moved to a new area. Hoping this cool independent spot down the street will still be open when all this blows over.
I'm enjoying home gym more than I thought I would but I do miss seeing the people at the gym, plus miss using some equipment I can't get at home. Worst case I'm going to start running with a group or some shit so I can still talk to people outside of work occasionally.
t. Crunch
Say it with me
Fuck yeah, if Golds start going down I'm going to score equipment from their sales.
Lat Pulldown, Power Runner, Glute-Ham Developer, my home gym is going to get stacked
It's not really capitalism that's doing it.
Some retards in Washington decided that we should just stop backing our money with gold so we can print endless money. Which means that we have an endless inflationary spiral, which means that any liquid stores of cash lose value quickly and any debs become lessened with time. So everybody tries to go into debt as deep as possible using their good boy points (credit) as leverage so the moment that they are hit by a stiff breeze they fold because they can only borrow so much on good boy points.
They don't want to physically own assets or save cash as much as possible because assets and cash depreciate over time. It's all about the daily cashflow in and the cashflow out which is why they're all absolutely fucked.
hey he was talking to me piss off pal
Based. I’m also looking forward to restaurant auctions. Gonna pimp out my kitchen.
That's just a convenient excuse, in actuality a lot of these companies were on the ropes before chink flu hit. A month of 0 revenue only accelerated the process.
i work as a chef bro please dont put that on me
Neet brainlet
See only big corps worth billions of dollar can tank for months without going bankrupt
My gym will survive. If it dosn't someone will just open a new one.
Gym still charges monthly fee and we get the time we pay for back later.
This was not unexpected. If you are in the health and fitness industry, you know that Gold's has been failing for years. It's how we got VASA, Fitness Connection and the like.
The one in my house has no threat or going under anytime soon.
>golds is dying
good. box gyms are fucking worthless trash heaps
This is what I've heard. It's better to buy used equipment than brand new sorta like a motorcycle.
>tfw the qt receptionist that always smiled at you has to watch you pillage her job and sell to you the products that were keeping her alive through her job
>tfw she gives you a hurt smile and says have a good workout one last time
You don’t get participation trophies in real life kid.
I go to a local independent gym
i don't care. i feel absolutely no loyalty to my globoshit 24hr chain gym. if it closes a new one will open up, simple.
i go to an LA Fitness and they already have had plans to close down my club supposedly. could just be a rumor but i have a feeling it’ll be set in stone due to the corona closings. they’ve also had plans to close the other clubs in my city but especially the one i go to
I've been home gym master race for a decade, just shaking my head at all you idiots who rent equipment at some building and have to wait in line to use it
>tfw she gives you a hurt smile and says have a good workout one last time
invite her home to work out with you
You really shouldn't talk, when you have no idea what you are talking about. There is no " inflationary spiral" yet. The reason people take so many loans, is because money is cheap atm. In theory, the inflation should come, at some point, but it hasn't come yet and nobody has any idea when.