Guys, how do I get rid of my dicklet insecurities?
Today I worked out hard and at first felt really good.
But then I remembered that no amount of workout will fix my dick. That made me depressed and super demotivated.
I try not to let the Yas Forums shit get to me but it's so hard sometimes
Guys, how do I get rid of my dicklet insecurities?
What's your size lad?
Haha, my dick is way bigger than yours dude haha
4.3 x 3.5
stuck with 7''x5.2'' so i know the feel user
Oh shit...that sucks for you dude lol
I have a 4 inch dick and I don't give a fuck, if I become successful in life Women will flock to me anyway because of money and if I don't I can always be a gay bottom.
>if I become successful in life Women will flock to me anyway because of money
and they will always cheat on you because you will never be able to satisfy them
you're welcome.
I've personally gained 1.5x0.7 inches so far doing this over the course 10 months(at 24 years old, so it wasn't still growing).
I feel the same way about some loose skin on my stomach. It's not even that much but it still bothers me knowing I can never have a visible 6 pack and it's very demotivating some times. In the end there's no use in dwelling on something you can't change, we will just have to do our best to not let these things get to us.
not even evolution cares about womens sexual pleasure, neither should you
just cum in their pussy and be happy, its all that matters
t. an actual virgin who has never been in a relationship before
are u for real bro?
Here,have my cope song that i've been listening to for 10 + years
Not even a dicklet,just a complete autist
im more of a pegym guy myself, been on JP90 for 19 days now, dick is wayy veinier and noticed girth gains
You're fucked.
Im 8.2 x 5.7 ish and i still worry im not big enough because of porn ruining my brain. Every girl ive been with has complimented my pp but i still feel like its small even though i know it isn't. Im also a grower so my bulges are trap tier and that makes me worry women will think im small. I ended up getting crotch bulge pads a year ago but I stopped using them cuz I got so much attention (girls i walk past obviously staring directly at it lustfully) that it would make me hard and push the pad forward creating an obvious fake looking bulge and discomfort
personally I don't trust jelqing, and most veterans over on the subreddit recommend against it too. pushing blood backwards against the normal flow is a big nono and is likely to damage the valves in your veins over time.
How cicked is a strap on for dicklets? Thank god I was born with a 6 incher but I was always curious what other anons thoughts were on how cucked it would be if the man used a strap on to satisfy his woman
stupid fucking autocorrect niggers kikes jannies cuck autocorrect that robotic AI wannabe piece of trash
cmon bro nobody knows who u are u can admit being a dicklet
Live your life and you will find much bigger problems to replace your dick insecurities
>tfw big dick but 5'9
Penis size hardly matters unless you're extremely small. I would trade my dick length for height any day
Are you really for real ?
Can you lose your dick or erections or something ?
My length is good but girth is absolutely horrendous
I’m 5’9 with an average penis, one testicle, and I have a skin condition called vetiligo on my nutsack. Literally just my nutsack. It used to be on my hands and elbows but it faded, and now it’s just on my nutsack. So it could be worse man.
I admit I have a pencil dick with 5" circumference but I easily have 6" length.
Being 6'4" makes my dick look really small though. I never measured myself until about a year ago and assumed I was a dicklet because of proportions
First of all you have no control over it so obsessing over it it's not only useless but harmful. Second the moment a girls sees your dick she's not gon to run away just because it's under average, and you can still make her come in other ways if your dick is not enough (wich it might be btw)
cope. I'm 5'8 and all of my long term gfs have been taller than me. Not significantly but up to 2 inches difference.
Even when women say straight up that they wont ever date someone shorter 90% of the time it's a shit test. If you have enough game it's not that hard. Sure it's harder than being tall dark and handsome but game is still the most important thing.
Big dick is important for long term relationships.
Physically for short term:
4.Dick (Only because it won't help you getting laid)
For LTR:
Whatever man, someday you'll find some chick who loves you and doesn't care about dick size.
It’s really not about dick size, it’s about sexual performance in general. Dick size helps with sexual performance but if you’re a lazy fuck who doesn’t care about pleasing your girl then it doesn’t matter how big your dick is, she’s gonna cheat or leave you.
You're semi-right but don't consider very important thing, Because you're 5'8 it means women taller than you are legit tall women and those scientifically confirmed to care about height significantly less, A 5'4 manlet will have harder time dating 5'5-5'6 women than you 5'9-5'10.
I think it has to do with taller women not feeling vulnerable and need less the "feeling safe" kind of feel women talk about+The fact that tall women are less desirable on average so their ego isn't as big+Not needing to date giants to compensate on their SO manlet genes because they're already tall enough.
True. However being sexually incompatible (Vagina size to dick size) is important. Dicklets just need to find women with smaller vagina, I think their best bet is women with short torso and narrow hips
oh I totally agree, I was just saying that the 5'9 user was coping. I can agree that things are much rougher for men 5'6 and under.
Although I do disagree with the feeling safe thing. Even tall women feel vulnerable, maybe not quite to the extent of womanlets but most still know a 5'5 guy could still wreck their shit if he wanted to.
I am quite Yas Forums and while I'm not extroverted or outgoing I am confident in myself and it shows, I think that's what gives women that feeling of security the most.
By the time you’ve gotten undressed, you’ve already won. Very very few would renage at that stage.