Anyone actually having success with home workouts?
Anyone actually having success with home workouts?
my ohp now equals my squat
This apartment wouldn't be bad if it had hardwood floors and a coffee table
there's literally nothing wrong with this apartment.
Also no. It sucks. I want my gym back.
Succesful in that I'm now actually exercising and eating well instead of getting home from work exhausted and eating junk
it's almost like wageslaving is really bad for you?
I never got this pic? Its a nace place got your tv and couch. Isnt that what most living rooms have? Its not like you have a family or a wife. bitch im in my 20s let me chill
If you raised the ceiling a little, cleaned the walls and got rid of that disgusting carpet, she would call it spartan and ascetic.
>OHP'ing 3 times a week
>Realised floor dumbell presses and flys are actually based
>Farmers walks are based
>Chin ups for eternity
Loving it
No, I've been a lazy pile of shit for more than a month just observing all my gains wither away
Fuck, gotta do something
yes but I was (still am) a fat fuck who didn't gym previously
All of these are since ~March 10th, when my quarantine began, until today
Could barely hang on and shrug shoulders for a second. Now I can lift my whole body and hold myself up with my arms bent about half-way to pullup for about 5 seconds. Doing negatives now
I could do like 5 originally, and had to drop down to the ground after each single one. Now I do 3x5 easy, going up to 3x10 soon
No real weight, I have a 5-gallon keg for my homebrew I have filled with water, but thats about it. But my ROM is fucking terrible and I've gone from 45 degree knee angle to almost parallel with my squat
Went from barely holding my shoulders down doing a static hold to full-dips, ~3x5
did 3x15 seconds to begin, and my back would spasm. Now I'm at 3x30 seconds, and my lower back no longer spasms.
bedsheet knotted over door method. Went from sort-of bodyweight pullups, to pulling down to my waist, 3x7. I'll probably need weights, for whatever reason even when dead-weighting this is my strongest workout.
500 calorie deficit IF. I actually fucked up on TDEE (wrong weight) and have been doing more like 700 calorie deficit, but it works just as fine. Was 240 on march 10th, today i'm 227.
so its all noob gains shit, but I'm happy I'm transforming myself during this while everyone else gets fat and lazy. I'm basically building a base for myself so when the gym opens, I'll be less muscle-imbalanced than most novice lifters.
Spot the LVM
lv what now
Doesn’t look too bad, the consumer whore should shut up.
>putting up a couple of plant pots is consumerist
yes. literally a waste of money. Do you know how much an apartment costs? I make seven times minimum wage and it'll be more than ten years until I can afford a decent place in this godforsaken city. Every penny must be saved.
not the person you replied to, but low value male. It's from the FDS subreddit. The idea is that there are LVMs and HVMs, and a lot of dudes are LVMs; that is, substandard, not self-sufficient men who want a GF/woman to be their mommies and cook for them/clean up for them/decorate for them/etc; basically they bring no real value to a relationship.
That person is saying those two are LVMs for being okay living in a substandard apartment with no inspiration and no effort put into it under the guise of it being "spartan", when its obviously not (what's spartan about a chair and a TV as the central theme/only part of your apartment? If that person is "spartan", it means they only put in effort to set up what they deem necessary. And its a chair and TV. That screams up the "beer-belly dude drinking a 24 pack and yelling at the TV all day" stereotype.)
Maybe I'm an feminine dude, but I always hated the college-dorm-esque low effort style that always was expected of dudes. It doesn't say "spartan" at all, it says "I don't really put in effort into my life", and I can smell that apartment from here.
>Do you know how much an apartment costs? I make seven times minimum wage and it'll be more than ten years until I can afford a decent place in this godforsaken city. Every penny must be saved.
Lol talking about subscribing to consumerism. I moved to a not-city that has a 10 minute work commute, was able to buy a house + 1 acre on 30k salary ($650 a month mortage). I have a massive garden going that provides me about 75% of my total vegetable intake throughout the year, and 100% in at least a couple of months of the year. Why don't you do the same? Is it because, maybe, you would miss out on all the consumerism around you in the city?
a couple of pot plants will cost you no more than £20 and add so many positive vibes.
If you really couldn't afford that you could go to the recycling plant and take a couple of pots then go to your local park and make some clippings from offshoots
why is anyone from fit on fds lmao
There's no decoration (omagass how can you like not make up your walls) and the armchair only sits one (no social life). Also no furniture.
Worse than that, though, is being a judgamental bitch, but she'll never get out of it. That man could probably buy anything of the aforementioned list in a few clicks.
Fuck you, plants improve your health.
>why don't you do the same
dude I live in the largest urban area in Europe. It's nothing but city-crawling a suburban aeras for 90km around the city center.
I also don't want to live too far from my job and next to niggers, hence the need to find a place in the city center, where the price averages 10.000 euros per square meter.
Look, I'm not asking for a mansion on StLouis island, I just want an apartment that enables me to live like a decent human being.
literally can't be bothered to water them. I usually come back from work at 9-10pm, all I want is a shower and some sleep.
>NB4 hurr durr wagecuck
yeah yeah whatever.
i just took the indoorplants pill last weekend. feels comfy man
Where do you live? I can't find anything close to that in the Pacific Northwest.
I water mine weekly.
You only have to water them for 30 seconds every 2 weeks you fat lazy cunt
Yes, plenty actually
>bulked up 4kg lean in a month and a half
>25% bw added pull ups for 5, dips for 10
>I can almost do a front lever, progressing to a free standing HSPU but it's hard as hell
>can do 1 arm push ups with good form
I'm a mess. I cope with coffee and tobacco. I need drugs to knock myself to sleep, and drugs to stay awake during the day.
The only moment I feel like a human being is when I lift before work.
Do you sincerely think I'm even worthy of hosting a living creature in my home?
>4kg lean in a month and a half of BW exercise
>I make seven times minimum wage and it'll be more than ten years until I can afford a decent place in this godforsaken city. Every penny must be saved.
>I need drugs to knock myself to sleep, and drugs to stay awake during the day.
user, I...
Well maybe a couple of hardy, low-effort plants will do wonders for your mental state
Give it a chance bro
Change your life. Why would you continue to live like this just so you can get a house sooner? And then? You continue to live like this? Fuck that. Have fun, you will die of the next Chinese virus in the upcoming years anyway.
I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, it's a blast, my coworkers are cool.
But other than that I don't know. My life makes no sense.
4kg in 7 weeks= ~0.5kg a week
I'm doing weighted bw stuff, don't see how I can't progress as fast as with barbell stuff
>dude I live in the largest urban area in Europe. It's nothing but city-crawling a suburban aeras for 90km around the city center.
You say that like moving is illegal
>I also don't want to live too far from my job and next to niggers, hence the need to find a place in the city center, where the price averages 10.000 euros per square meter.
Whether you want to admit it or not that is by choice. You've decided your cage is perfectly fine, even though you suffer in it.
>ok, I'm not asking for a mansion on StLouis island, I just want an apartment that enables me to live like a decent human being.
Literally easy as fuck to find, if you move. You can cope all you want, but you ultimately decide whether you want to live in a place that is affordable or whether you want to continue being a cog in the wheel in a city where you are not permitted to own anything, just rent from those who own things.
You are the only one hitting yourself in the head. If you hate your life so much, move.
Yes. Best shape I’ve been in for a long time. Not that I was ever out of shape. You should come out of this quarantine in better shape than at the start. You definitely have the time now.
FDS has been posted around here quite a few times
Hey good work dude. Keep it up and you're gonna make it
Yeah now I do a few light things on my 'rest' days