Why get bigger than this?

Why get bigger than this?

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Because 5'6 is the same height as a woman

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you clearly have never experienced the tremendous feeling of strength that the BLOATMAXX bestows you with

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To see how far your body can be pushed. To fight in a heavier weight class. To play football at a position that requires a bigger frame. To be able to eat more.

Not necessarily good reasons but reasons nonetheless

Because he's 160lbs at 5'9" and looks dyel in clothes.

hes pretty buff actually

Unless you compete in something that needs the extra size, its just pure compensation/over compensation.

Because I'm an adult male and I want to look like one.

Real life has no weight classes. It's always better to be bigger than the other guy in a street fight.

Ah yes, the Yas Forums street fight argument. No it isn't btw, it's good to have numbers, be willing to use objects, and know how to box, in that order.

>t. Dyel

size is gonna make most people think twice before fucking with you

most people suck at fighting

russian here btw, never liked fighting but i was in street fights, had couple fingers broken and wrist etc.

yep even if some cunt doesnt know how to fight
if hes drunk hell use his fucking weight on you

to fight in a real weight class

>ugh who would even want to be a ripped beast? Uhmm over compensation much?
Disdain for plebs intensifies.

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3rd worlder here and I have always liked fighting, but I don't want to get into a dick measuring contest with you. I'll just say that size only scares away the people who would have been an easy fight. And from personal experience when I was at my peak size drunk fucks always seemed to want to prove themselves against me.

I am simply a bit older now and willing to admit I only liked being bigger because of self image issues, and I remember lying to myself and saying its better to be bigger just in case. But the reality is you can just carry a gun or at least a knife if you are too lazy to train a martial art.

his clavicles are mad, shame about his chest insertions tho

>No it isn't btw
t. never been in a fight

What? McGregor has really good chest insertions. A really good body overall, the only thing missing is a neck. Literally he doesn't have one.

size doesnt matter in street fights as much as you think, if you know how to wrestle/BJJ you will be able to beat 99% of people on the street, boxing is useless compared to ground disciplines in 1 on 1 street fights.

Is this possible without roids?

hes not got the worst chest insertions but theyre faaar from being great, massive gap and weirdly inserted on, hes also just naturally got a small chest, if he didnt have such wide shoulders hed look retarded

Sure. He's only 160lbs.

>size doesn't matter if an untrained guy fights a trained guy
No shit, retard. Size DOES matter when you're fighting someone on your skill level. If a 240lbs guy fights a 160lbs guy, and they both have the same amount of skill the 240lbs guy wins every single time.

it all depends on your genetics, take into account that conor has better genetics than most people so you getting this naturally might not be possible, the size yes but not the size and leaness.

well no because the literal point of BJJ is that you can defeat much larger opponents than yourself because leverages, but yeah if theyre the same skill level the bigger guy will almost always win and thats why theres weight classes, my point just applies to real life more as there wont be many people on the street that are the same skill level as a high level BJJ trainee

In real life the chnace of running into a skilled BJJ guy is astronomically low. The vast majority of men can't fight.

No, he isn't...? He fights at 155lbs and 170lbs... No fighter goes without cutting vast amounts of weight.

he must be bigger than that when hes not cutting

Do you think that he weight lifts at all? I know that a lot of fighters claim that they never have.

but thats what i mean, if you take it on yourself to learn wrestling and BJJ even at a really low level youll be able to take out most guys on the street, its like the negros who think theyre solid but when they get into a brawl they just swing with no technique at all lmao

Why not?

All fighters have strength and conditioning coaches, this isn't the 60s anymore.

hes prolly around 180 when not fight prepping
yeah lifting decently heavy is part of his training, theres multiple vids of him on the maclife channel benching n shit so, its one of the reasons he gasses out so easy lmao

Well, I've done kickboxing and it's served me well, but no matter how skilled you are being bigger and stronger will always be an advantage in a fight. Conor might be a top 3 guy in his weight class, but he would get raped by a heavyweight that's not even in the top 20.

"McGregor told ESPN: “I’m underweight right now. I’m underweight. I’d say 160lbs and a bit.“I know I could have [made Cerrone cut down to lightweight]. But I just don’t think he looks well at 155lbs. He does not look well at 155lbs. He’s a 170lb fighter."

>boxing is useless compared to ground disciplines in 1 on 1 street fights.
Delusion, if a boxer strikes first he can put people to sleep insanely fast

True, but very few street fights are 1v1, thats why I said boxing, hit, run, stay on your feet so as not to get stomped by his buddies. IF you go down in a street fight it's usually over, doesn't really matter if you went down taking him down.

in terms of BJJ that advantage is negated in a street fight really, most guys wont have a clue how to defend against it so even if youre smaller you can get em
was that photo from exactly when he said that tho? fighters shred weight very fast, he looks way bigger than 160 there

he doesn t look dyel mainly because he has a a good frame bodybuilding wise. (and good for fighting too , dude has the wingspan of a 6ft + fighter and heavy hands too)

I have been, both in the street and in the ring, and both as the bigger guy, the smaller guy, and at the same size as the other guy. It all comes down to viciousness and technique.

>implying that most people on the street have that boxing capability and arent niggers who just swing randomly
taking a fight to the ground is quite easy and then the BJJ guy will have a field day, delusional shadow boxer faggot

I think I have those sweatpants