bros, how much do I have to bench to get Ana de Armas gf?
Bros, how much do I have to bench to get Ana de Armas gf?
Not much.
lifting for girls is fucking pointless because 90% of women have DYEL bfs, lift for yourself, the pump and the post workout rage/euphoria.
To play devil's advocate, 90% of women have DYEL bfs because the vast majority of men are dyel. I guarantee you that most women wouldn't complain if their bfs could suddenly have Chris Hemsworth's physique.
My ex German gf looked exactly like her and preferred guys with kind of dad bods but big arms, and body hair.
She's been texting me again and I don't know if she wants a relationship again and I'm not sure if I should say yes or no.
So easy to remember the good times.
You should kill yourself fag
most of my friends who were ripped became DYELs after getting a gf
they do that on purpose
You literally need Clint Eastwood as your dad tier genetics to have a woman of Ana's calibre look at you like this.
>I'm not sure if I should say yes or no
how old are you, nigger
never text back an ex, never
How ever much Ben lifts
Also being around his height helps
is Ben affleck a DYEL ?
How many guys has this whore fucked?
can you guys please stop posting these guys
Hollywood A-list mega-millionaire hyper-Chad gets to fuck the best pussy
What a surprise
Whats wrong, user
Uhh but why? Haven't you seen the movies where everything magically gets back together happily ever after?.....
Everyone except me it seems. I want to fuck her as the character of the robot from blade runner, not as the disgusting whore she seems to actually be.
Move to Colombia/Argentina/Cuba
Girls like her are ten a penny in places like that
You know she's dating Bin Al Flecki as we speak?
Yeah this proves you wrong. Ben Afleck is a mutty skinny fat.
>Ben Afleck is a mutty skinny fat
>girl who works at the apartment complex where I used to live looks almost exactly like Ana
>chat her up from time to time
>too much of a sperg to make a move
>move out
>months go by
>she emails me out of the blue asking to hang out
>look her up on Facebook
>she's gained about 70 pounds and looks bloated and hideous
Why do girls do this?
She's an incredible looking woman.
I want a hug so bad bros
Goose is much more aesthetic than both of the girls desu
She's 31 and a 10/10. Do you think she'll stay single for you?