Farmers walks are underrated as fuck...

Farmers walks are underrated as fuck. I've always been a hardgainer and my neck/traps/forearms don't respond much to training but they are blowing up after doing a couple of sets of carries twice a week at the end of workouts.

My legs and abs are also growing as a result. Such a based exercise. Only problem is finding heavy enough weights to carry as you progress.

If you are skinny or lacking forearm/trap size, I advise incorporating farmers walks asap.

Attached: farmers-walk-Ian.png (400x552, 327.23K)

I'm afraid these will compress my spine


Not if you have good form. Keep upright back, core tight as you can and shoulders down and back. Tuck your chin to engage neck muscles.

they will compress your spine, and the more movement you involve the more the weight settles into your vertebra. its akin to rucking, you should never practice it, only do it when you HAVE TO ie not for exercise. walking under heavy load is manual labor not weight lifting technique, certainly not body building

How much weight are you using and how long do you tend to last for a set?


I don't understand why I wouldn't get the same or even better results with heavy rows, deadlifts and pullups. Also working towards CoC #2.

Can you provide a source? Legit curious if true or not.

You can do them on back day after your pull ups and heavy rows.

Everything you do on your feet compresses your spine to some degree.
Just stay in bed for all eternity if you are afraid of compressing your spine.

I once did three plate hex bar farmers walks to the point of almost passing out. I had hit conventional diddy pr before and front squat volume. I cant explain it a sudden calmness came over me as I was pushing another set and another set and another. Pump lasted for two days no joke. One of the best workouts i ever did. My wrists were so tired i had to use straps on pullups and hanging leg raises after. Farmers walks are incredibly fucking based excercise. Literally only shit i truly miss about closed gyms

you can hang from a pullup bar to decompress your spine.
works well.
Your body is tougher than you think. just use your own judgement.

Attached: dead-hang-pull-up.jpg (535x800, 127.12K)

bridges can decompress the spine too.

Attached: Unknown.jpg (269x188, 13.55K)

Oh no, not manual labour! Humans are not designed to lift heavy stuff!


Suitcase carries are better


I need to do more deadhangs

Yoga is proven to decompress your spine. Literally in the sticky, retards. Do 20 minutes of yoga everyday.

Attached: 1584339363843.jpg (225x225, 8.05K)

brilliant forearm training too. build up to single arm dead hangs.

if you do two arm dead hangs in the chin-up grip (palms facing you) it is fantastic for strengthening the elbows and biceps. Gymnasts do this for joint health.

better for your core sure but farmers walk is more overall strength and you can go much heavier, just do both of them

You guys do know people will pay you to carry shit around? And you tell me you do it for free? Or better yet, you pay gym owners to carry heavy shit back and forth?

Yas Forums, whats your brand of kettlebell? Also, competition or iron?

Anything that makes good tea

Also want source.
>t. Rucking lover

So decompress it?..

This is one exercise I never do because I have to do the actual farmers walk in farmwork. There's nothing beneficial about carrying swaying buckets of milk by tiny metallic wires. Maybe the first few buckets of the day okay you are in good form. Beyond that the weight bares on joints. And if some cunts filled it high for chad challenge then milk is getting down your boots, sloshing around for the rest of the day. Fuck this shitty exercise

what are some good dead hang routines to increase hang time? I can do lots of pullups but my hang time is pathetic

My nigga what you doing in primrose hill


the reason so many army fags end up with major back and knee problems is that the walk around under load so much

I farmer walked fencing materials for months at a fence building job. My thighs got so thick. When my arms got tired I just put the weight on my shoulder. Never did them in a gym though

Fuck yeah /op/ I'm gonna do some tomorrow. How do you guys usually do them? Just walk around carrying heavy shit until you literally can't anymore?

Ideally go heavy as fuck for a few sets at about 20 metres. Bodyweight in each hand is a good goal to aim for assuming you're an intermediate lifter