Why do powerlifters look so untrained?

Why do powerlifters look so untrained?
I know they go for efficiency rather than hypertrophy but shouldn't with more strength come more muscle eventually? And why are they all fat?

Attached: MartinsLicis-hg-090719-ph1.jpg (586x500, 42.19K)

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Forever bulk just makes you stronger. Cutting makes you weak.

Attached: aKzdop6_700b_v3.jpg (700x1005, 192.52K)

This is huge cope.

>Cherry picks heavyweights
This is what a middleweight type guy looks like. Now post your lifts so I can have a giggle.

Attached: haack.png (1315x740, 961.21K)

theyre both well over 300lbs. its perspective. its like those manlets with abs that post in cbt without stating their heights and weights so you won't know theyre really 5'6 and 145lbs


It's not cherrypicking he's world champion though your point about middle weight is valid. So there are normal powerlifters who don't autism out on weight gain and have great physiques?

Because you have these lazy fucks that get into powerlifting so they can consider themselves to be a sort of athlete yet lack the discipline to carefully regulate what they eat.

These are examples used to draw better. Mariusz Pudzianowski looks more like the Mr. Universe Contestant than the strongman. Don't post this in seriousness ever again.

hes not a powerlifter though, hes a strongman. this is peak powerlifting. dude looks like hed lift anything. such glorious bloat

Attached: Jeff Lewis powerlifter bulked .png (600x400, 309.31K)

Well, yes, there are weight classes. The busiest weight classes tend to be the men's classes between 180 lbs and 230 lbs, particularly the ~200 lbs classes. Only tall people are going to go for stuff over 240 lbs. THAT pick was John Haack, who's a world class powerlifter and, like everyone who Yas Forums would think looks even half good, is on sterons.

Post body and/or lifts, son.

Powerlifting is cope for fatties. Go ottermode instead

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you look like a psychopath


Attached: 89039894_192585102018894_5095920585796485120_n.jpg (406x405, 52.33K)

It's correct tho. Bodybuilders are all about dat v-taper and training show muscles specifically + some base exercises whereas powerlifters training base exercises exclusively + some erector or quad isolation on top. Then bodybuilders go and do special poses that make them look bigger.

They look untrained on photos, irl they look like tanks. Unless it's some sub 300kg deadlift retard going full bloatmode. Big arms and v-taper are just easier to notice than big ass/legs/erectors.

Why post pictures of strongmen though? You don't know the difference?

>Posts Strongmen

user, that's Martin's Licis, a strongman, and Rob Kearney, a strongman.
Both compete in the heaviest weight class of strongman.
Pic related is a man who retired from competing in their sport, and stopped actively trying to eat as much as possible.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 133.85K)

Let's play a game. I'll post a picture, and OP tells me if they're a bodybuilder or a world champion powerlifter

Attached: C7OG9n5VwAEyaOK.jpg (1200x802, 169.21K)

Attached: 7l0wt24884y31.jpg (400x400, 46.6K)


That appears to be some Bench Only faggot
And I recognize those pics as some bodybuilder on "between meets" bulk.

>height determines if you can pull off the strongman look
>something about accepting the best build for your genetics

too tired to actually write it out, if you have any brains in you you'll get it.

That's Lee Priest You Casual, He is a midget who started roiding at 12 or some shit.

It's Russel Orhii you fucking brainlet

Here's a link to his comp lifts, one of the best lifters in the world


>bench only
Just leave newfag

Hack gets dwarfed by bodybuilders with half the strength

>Clint Eastwood, Iggy Pop'

We are approaching levels of cope that shouldn't be possible

Attached: index.jpg (183x275, 9.07K)

Thank you for confirming that you don't even lift. That's all I wanted to know.

they have tons of muscles, they are cultivating mass so that every body movement throughout the day is like strength-endurance training

based bloatlord