Do you want spaghetti Yas Forums?
Do you want spaghetti Yas Forums?
Such a silly dish...use something that holds sauce better and doesn’t mound up as much, making meatabollas roll off.
What would your thoughts be on... meatbowls?
I can’t wait until I’m done with this cut. I think I’m just gonna spend one night and just eat so much mac n cheese. Maybe and some beef franks or sausages. Real trash shit.
is it alright if i get some spaghetti
What does the quotation imply?
that someone is saying it you dork
t. Idiot that doesn't know how to cook
I'd really love to give all of you some spaghetti, but unfortunately FAT FUCKS really shouldn't be eating spaghetti
>teleports behind you and unsheaths sword
i wasnt asking....,,,
i want. spaghetti
srry fresh out :/
understandable have a great da
Think I'll make some spaghetti after work oday.
do you mind if i get some? they just ran out here
I was told spaghetti was cool to eat on cardio days
oh no I dropped mine
Sure man, no problem, I will probably have some left over anyway
sorry, my pockets are already full of it
you can slip some down my asscrack though if you want
You do cook the spaghetti al dente right?
>''In cooking, al dente /ælˈdɛnteJ/ (Italian pronunciation: [al ˈdɛnte]) describes pasta or rice that is cooked to be firm to the bite. The etymology is Italian "to the tooth". In contemporary Italian cooking, the term identifies the ideal consistency for pasta and involves a brief cooking time.''
this lowers the glycemic index and is why Italians eat pasta every day and have the lowest obesity rate in europe.
>''When cooked correctly, pasta will have a lower glycemic index than when it's cooked to be soft or mushy. The average GI of al dente penne pasta is 50, which is even lower than the GI of oatmeal or many whole-grain breakfast cereals. A lower GI can help keep blood sugar levels stable so you will stay fuller longer.''
take this info and run with it anons
run where
Are you letting your pasta properly drain before putting the sauce on? Sauce just slides off wet pasta.
to a healthier life or something. i dont know.
Spaghetti is fucking disgusting, 100% carbs
what the fuck did you just say? if I ever see you IRL I will beat the shit out of you, kiddo
No, kid.
Italians aren't fat because we eat healthy diet, full of fresh fruits and vegetable.
We don't eat processed foods, eat lots of fish, olive oil instead of fat, etc etc