Forgotten Exercises

I'll start

>mace swings

Attached: IMG_5394.jpg (659x465, 17.98K)

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Arm wrestling yourself

is this a real exercise

Sissy squats are a fantastic leg exercise.
>inb4 muh knee pain
Your body is very good at adapting to stressors. Manage your volume and load, and you will be able to do this and any other exercise pain-free.

Attached: sissy-squat.jpg (650x360, 93.26K)

>he doesn't do mace swags 10 x f

Attached: mace swags 10xf.webm (454x552, 1.51M)

Dumbell pullovers

Won't that fuck your rotator cuffs?

his form is so perfect i thought it was a repeatedly-reversed gif

I still do these.

Want to get a shot, discus and javelin, bros. What think?

Dumbbell pullovers and overhead press. I know overhead press is not forgotten but it has taken a backseat when compared to bench and people like to substitute it for seated dumbbell press or other shoulder stuff like front raises. Nothing builds shoulders like standing overhead press.

Attached: monkey_rows.png (1320x1112, 732.09K)

Seems like a fugged up shrug

These do not seem very safe.

Yah, if you enjoy your knees exploding

Attached: explodingknees[1].jpg (700x700, 60.59K)

Looks retarded. Just do band facepulls with an emphasizes on constant tension pulling the band apart

That goes for most of these, there's a good reason why they're forgotten.

Do whatever the fuck you want I'm not your dad

somehow you managed to make upright rows even more fucked up. shoulders fully rotated forward, lol

whoa what the fuck i wanna try this

Are you sure?

what is this supposed to target?

Seems mobility oriented.

jocko does these religiously

people seem to favor seated ohp more these days. makeohpgreatagain

Chris duffin has a good video on (his product). Basically it makes you move your shoulders and rotator cuffs theough their complete ranges of motion under load, which you can adjust by changing the weight of the implement, the length of the handle and the speed at which you do them. Here is a a similar movement pattern you can train with a dumbell instead.

You don't want to go through your shoulders full range of motion under load you fucking retard. You should buy a mace

Part of the quad executes hip flexion so by opening the hip and flexing the knee you lengthen it maximally. I think that's the only benefit of the exercise, if you have a leg press
>upset mothers

Shoulder surgery

Knee surgery

Humans are not made to put their arms higher than the shoulder, especialy with loads.

Painters, plasterers, movers, and all jobs where you work arms up are a direct path to shoulder and back surgery.

The position of the acromio-clavicular voult respective to the humerus in humans tells us that. Look at the same spot in primates that are made to hang on branches, their scapula is at a very different angle and the acromion points up.

Of course everybody is different and some people can do these exercises with fewer issues but in general it's bad for you.
Incorporate those with parcimony, listen to your body, don't ever push yourself, keep good form, look at the cost/benefits on your health.

Been thinking about getting back into these myself

or you can do these and get jacked haha right?!

You can get strong (and "jacked" if it's your thing) while staying biomechanically efficient and thus without fucking up your joints.
I'd argue it works even better.

bi-lateral barbell curls