How to lose weight when you have bad knees and cannot run?

How to lose weight when you have bad knees and cannot run?

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Stop eating food you moron

Stop eating.

Cease consumption of nutrients

Can't. It takes so much effort, will and concentration and I do not have the mental fortitude when losses are soooo miniscule without exercise...

God I want to kill myself.

swim you fuckin whale

do you have access to an elliptical? those are a good option for losing weight while not putting too much stress on your joints.

>when losses are soooo miniscule without exercise...
Fucking idiot. You go for a run for an hour and it burns like 1 doughnut worth of calories. Go to /fast/. People are losing insane amounts of weight in like 1 week.

Hey man less of the idiot.

If you fast without exercising it can lead to excess skin!

literally the opposite is true. Fasting reduces loose skin due to autophagy

Dry fasting the is the best remedy for excess skin from weight loss.

I did not know this.

What is dry fasting? No water?

row (erg) or bicycle

yeah no

Eat less go on long walks, preferably in nature where it is challenging

I had knee surgery a while ago and when I got a stationary bike, cardio was actually fun for once.

swim. easiest on the joints, while also best form of cardio in existence. swimmers put on a lot of muscle, too

You fucking idiot. My gf who's 5' 2" lost fucking 30 pounds in 3 months by counting her calories. Just stop fucking stuffing your face. Fucking retard.

Do keto. Once you are safely in ketosis you stop wanting to eat shit.

I ate only veggies and 2 eggs for breakfast with only water and I lost like 70 lbs

do keto then water fast. You can lose 20 lbs in 2 weeks.

Then hurry up and die you fat faggot so we don't have to hear your bitching anymore

Why be like this?

jesus christ is her body type Pluto the planet

I've already lost 65 lbs this year by just eating less, I literally don't do anything all day (I don't go outside, I don't exercise, I don't remember what my voice sounds like, etc.). While it is frustrating to know I still have almost 100 more lbs to go and I'd just rather kill myself because this is so boring, it did make me realize very quickly how eating is a scam. Exercise is for people who want to build strength, it has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss.

Stop eating more than you need!

you need the will to act.
you will never make it otherwise.
what do you value more:
>Looking and feeling great
It all comes down to values and the will to act.

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Treat every day as an arm day

you can do standing posture training to strengthen your knees. it is gentle exercise but it is very good for your health.
do each video and see if it helps you?

because the dumb fuck asks for advice and then rejects everything he gets told. he is looking for some magical advice that will make the fat melt off him, with no difficulty at all
>Can't. It takes so much effort
then clearly you don't want it hard enough dumbfuck so either stop bitching or go do something about it

Kill yourself, weakling.